Grayson 2014 Fall ADN Program

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone!

I know there have to be some 2014 Fall Applicants out there!!

The lurkers and researchers :)

I'm starting this thread in relation to the upcoming application deadline for Grayson ADN program that starts Fall 2014. I have filled out my application and will be sending it off once I'm able to talk to the nursing department, once the college opens back up so I'll know where to address my application specifically to. I have 27 out of 28 points possible for out of county residents. I'm excieted and eager to see the outcome! I'm not from Denison and do not know much about Grayson College so anyone with information please provide!!!

An 84 without studying and taking 15 hours plus the CNA & Phlebotomy!! oh my! You could probably make an A in your sleep even in a faster paced summer class. Sometimes the fast pace is good, forces you to focus (I know it does me @ least). I just almost cannot bear the thought of retaking AP I to raise my B even though I know I might have to. I'm just SO ready to move on & be done with these prereqs! Best of luck to you in that summer class...I hope you hear you got in & you won't need to worry about it!

Cisfourcasey, that's exactly where I'm sitting ...26 points because I lost two for not living in the service area. I'm going to be sad if I miss the cutoff by ONE point! Did you apply at Collin since you live in Frisco? I did all my prereqs between the Frisco & Mckinney campuses of Collin, loved the professors. I have a good friend in the program there as well. My experience with their nursing program staff made me not apply there...but that's another story & I don't really want to speak poorly about's an excellent program from my understand (just not sure if it's as good as they all think it is!) But good luck to everyone, this waiting is too much!!

Yay, glad to hear all the positive feedback. I know a girl that got in for Spring 2014 with only 25 points. I'm hoping and praying that we all get in. The waiting game sucks! LOL. :***: Hopefully we can hear something. I'm surprised that more people haven't made their way into the chat yet. I have decided to save money and not retake A&P 2 right now. I will hang on to my B for now and just pray about it. :up:

I'm glad you're not stressing yourself out over the summer. I finally had to back off a while back too, a year ago going trying to push to finish my prereqs was stressing me & my kids just too much. I slowed down on class load, took a semester longer than I really wanted but it really helped me mentally & emotionally. Now I'm in a much better place & completely ready to start a program & feel more like I have what it takes to make it through. We wear ourselves down with all the prereqs & extra bsn tract classes! Enjoy a little break from the classes, you probably need it too!

I know that feeling. Yeah, as of January, I started working at TMC and I work 12 hour shifts. This week I've switched to nights in case I get in the program. I am 3 days one week and 4 the next, alternating. It's not too bad. I'm a night person!

The pre-reqs and pre BSN courses are so stressful. I was looking into UTA's nursing BSN program. Since I work for a partnering hospital, they say you have priority over others that do not. However, I've missed the cut off for that. It's crazy because that BSN fast track is online and clinicals on the weekend at the hospital I am working for now and it's only 15 months.

How many of you have other options to go with? I was trying to find something close to home since I live in Denison. I've looked at Collin and NCTC's program but they aren't really in my ideal driving range right now.

I've been lurking on here for awhile but check your email!!!! Just got accepted!

I was accepted as well!! But I have already been accepted to TCU and Midwestern as well. I have already accepted my spot to Midwestern so hopefully someone can take my spot at Grayson! :) Good luck to everyone and God Bless you all on your journey!!!

Congrats on your acceptance! Best of luck at Midwestern!!!

Thanks!!! I'm excited :yes: best of luck to you as well!!!

I was accepted too. Now I have to decide between programs! Congrats to all & best of luck Nursingqueen2b @ Midwestern.

Congrats Shine_On! Maybe I'll see you at orientation :)

I got accepted! I cant wait to meet you all at orientation! OMG!:sarcastic:

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