Grant Macewan Sept 2013

World Canada CA Programs


Hi, I am from BC and was wondering if anyone has applied for the Sept 2013 intake. I am curious about the early conditional acceptance that is offered. The academic advisor mentioned that there is specific date for early acceptance, it is first come first serve. With that being said, does anyone know a tentative date in which an applicant would be considered for early acceptance?

I'm applying for my security clearance on Monday so hopefully it arrives before the 15th (my deadline). I'm not counting on it though since it takes awhile for processing... I might need to ask for an extension.

I was able to select courses and save it in the Shopping Cart but I can't complete enrolment because I have a "New Student Hold" on my account. Hopefully I can get it lifted on Monday before the course pattern I have selected is full. I wanted Pattern 2 (as I see many other people did!) so now I'm opting for Pattern 1.

I wonder though (GM students, help me out!). After enrolling in first term courses, the faculty automatically enrols you for the following Winter and Spring/Summer terms… does this automatic enrolment follow the course pattern you chose for the first term? Or is it random?

Hey oryx, if it makes you feel better my security clearance took 7 days! I have no idea why it was that fast but hopefully it will be the same for you :)

Yeah originally I wanted pattern 2 as well but one of the classes within that pattern was full :( I chose pattern 3 because I didn't like how pattern 1 had 4 classes on mondays and wednesdays and only 1 class on tuesdays and thursdays :p

Oh and about the hold, I only had it on my account for like 2 days and it went away without me doing anything. Also for the winter term stuff I think its pretty random. My fall schedule doesn't resemble my winter one at all. Oh and when you see your winter schedule don't freak out but on your clinical day it will say its from 7 AM to 10 PM; I found out that just means those are the hours you should be available to do your clinical. When I first saw it I thought that the clinicals would be that long haha :)

They don't automatically enroll you in winter you still go by the patterns they give you (as far as I know for 2nd year). Go onto blackboard and look for BscN program as a course and one of the folders will say enrollment information, inside that folder you'll find all the patterns for the entire program you'll need to look for Fall Term 1 year 1 and Winter year 1 term 2.

Hi ms20133! Thanks for the response. Did you apply for your security clearance in Edmonton? I initially was going to apply at the Sherwood Park Station because I heard they process it within days BUT I recently learned they don't do the 'Vulnerable Sector Check' anymore (for Edmonton residents) so I have to go to Downtown.

As for the course patterns, I only have to do 4 courses since I completed English awhile ago so Pattern 2 seemed ideal (only 2 classes per day!). Three courses in one day is really off-putting to me, haha. But I'm sure there will be many times where I can't be choosy during my four years so whatever. The bright side, the 3-courses-a-day is only twice a week!

Yeah, I guess I'm just too impatient about getting everything done... I really want to enrol in my classes ASAP because I want THAT particular schedule and also because it's one less thing to worry about. I'm going to give it 'til tomorrow afternoon before calling the office. :)

Yes this is the address of the one I went to: #108, 14315-118 Avenue

Nexus Business Park

It was a little confusing to get there but once you find the place its an easy process. You can actually get the security check back the same day you submit it but you would have to wait a few hours there. But if it means keeping your seat in the program it might be worth it!

Oh ok that sounds like a really ideal schedule! Good luck with enrolling and everything!

^^^ Thank you so much, I thought I had to go to the Downtown Police Station to get it!

No problemo! I mean you could go to the police station to do it too but at the stations I think they only take cheque or cash. Or something like that. Personally what I did is I went to the closest police station where I picked up the security clearance form, filled it out at home and then brought it to the security clearance place where I payed the 48 bucks and everything. Heads up that there will probably be a bit of a wait there though.

Got my security clearance today (in less than 5 minutes!). I don't think there's much else I can do this week because I still have that "New Student Enrolment Hold" on my account (which means I can't register for any classes) and I learned that the only people who have authorization to lift this hold won't be back in the office until next week. There's probably a good chance I'll end up with the course pattern I don't want, haha.

Got my enrollment sorted out, I'm registered for the blue pattern (#2). I'm going for the security clearance after work tomorrow, they were closed when I got there this evening. Can't believe I'm moving to Edmonton in 3 weeks! It's going to go so fast. :)

You got pattern two? Ah I guess the class that was full in that pattern opened up; I guess timing is everything :p

Well anyways a warm welcome to Edmonton! Good luck with moving and all that fun stuff :)

Thanks! I'm looking forward to it. Obviously my house is in chaos at the moment but we should be ready in time. But yeah I was surprised too that I was able to get in to it, but it worked out. Maybe because I've already received credit for some classes?

Some things on my MacEwan account have been fixed (I am now enrolled in my courses!) but there's still one issue I'm trying to deal with. Hopefully it will get resolved soon. I'm glad to hear that everyone is getting everything under way, this is so exciting!

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