Published May 8, 2007
78 Posts
Well, today was my last class. I have finished with nursing school!!!!!! :smiley_aa
My class is thinking about decorating our caps and outting RN on the top in glitter. Has anyone done this?? We graduate Thursday.
I am not creative at all. I was thinking about going to Michaels and buying a stencil.
Has anyone decorated thier caps and if so can you tell me what you used and how? And could I see a picture???
2,441 Posts
Great idea for a high school graduation...bad idea for a college graduation.
BVFD 333
139 Posts
we are also graduating on Saturday, some in our class will do simular. Why not... we are done and proud of it....I am origianal from Germany and never graduated like this before, sothat I want some "traditional" pictures. Concrats
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,587 Posts
Just be careful cause your not an RN until you take and pass boards.
I decorated mine for my graduation comming up and it just says "I survived nursing school".
Hopefull: Dont be a party pooper
tx2007, RN
277 Posts
We are not allowed to decorate or alter our grad attire in anyway so I am no help but it sounds like a cute idea!
abundantjoy07, RN
740 Posts
We are not allowed to alter our cap, gown, and academic hood in anyway. I don't think I'd want to even if I could, I like the traditional ceremony atmosphere, especially as a college grad.
...that is the spirit I share :)