2.35 GPA too low for Acc Bacc BSN Program?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello All,

I am in search of some serious, honest advice. I have a 2.35 GPA from undergrad of which clearly school was not my priority. I also lost my mom my sophomore year and do genuinely feel that played a role. Anyways, after college I participated in AmeriCorps NCCC, spent 3 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic and now am a Public Health Educator for Planned Parenthood. I really want to be a nurse. I think it's where my life journey has been leading for awhile, I am very passionate about HIV/AIDS prevention, speak fluent Spanish and have incredible experience in youth development. I have started taking my pre-reqs, Human development and A and P. I have an A and B and plan to get A's in the rest. Does anyone think I have a chance to get into an accelerated BSN program with such a low GPA? Can I make an argument with my experience and a good pre-req GPA and good letters of rec?

Your chances would be better if you focused on applying to accelerated BSN programs at private universities. The private schools are less competitive about their grade point average requirements because the tuition tends to be very expensive.

For example, my close friend has a BS degree in public health. Her overall GPA is 2.6, and her GPA in the nursing prerequisite classes is a 2.5, which is not so stellar. She applied to nursing programs at state universities and community colleges, but her GPA was no match against the applicants who had 3.8 and 4.0 grade point averages.

She applied to a 12-month accelerated BSN program with a price tag of $42,000 and was accepted. It was three semesters (summer, fall, and spring) that cost $14,000 per semester.

Hey Commuter. What program was your friend accepted. I'm looking for a 3 semester accelerated program that's not too competitive. Thank you in advance.

I am in a very similar situation. I have undergrad gpa of 2.4 now. I'm starting basic pre-reqs as well as additional classes to boost it up as much as possible. I am going to go for it. I hope you do to. My plan is to be in someones nursing school 2012.

It might be but it's worth trying. May be you can score really well on the entrance exam and higher your chances

Don't let anyone tell you that it is not possible. I was on academic probation once and became a straight A student with multiple clinical experiences under my belt. I retook a lot of classes and really hammered my prerequisites. If anything I think the experience of knowing the pain associated with not doing my best has made me a much better student. Check out my other posts. I just got into a very prestigious nursing program in my state, arguably the best in the state.

Your chances would be better if you focused on applying to accelerated BSN programs at private universities. The private schools are less competitive about their grade point average requirements because the tuition tends to be very expensive.

For example, my close friend has a BS degree in public health. Her overall GPA is 2.6, and her GPA in the nursing prerequisite classes is a 2.5, which is not so stellar. She applied to nursing programs at state universities and community colleges, but her GPA was no match against the applicants who had 3.8 and 4.0 grade point averages.

She applied to a 12-month accelerated BSN program with a price tag of $42,000 and was accepted. It was three semesters (summer, fall, and spring) that cost $14,000 per semester.

Hi Commuter!

I'm also thinking of going to an Accelerated BSN. May I know what is the name of your friend's school/university that she got in?



I am the oldest in my acc bsn program, I had a 2.8 gpa in my undergrad although better in my MEd and As and Bs in my prerqs. Yes I am going to a private school and paying full freight but I just got into the honor society, I am a class rep and have a 3.8. All becuase my program took the time to know ME and my letters of rec may well have been what got me in. So I say you should be fine. Go for it

Hi Alvin!

May I pls. know the name of that private school?



Hello 2BJenurse,

Thanks so much for the helpful reply. I am still taking pre-reqs and doing well, I just really hope that my undergrad grades don't inhibit me from reaching my dreams. I was hoping that you could send me that spreadsheet that you mentioned? It sounds extremely helpful. My email is [email protected].

Thank you!!

Hello All,

I am in search of some serious, honest advice. I have a 2.35 GPA from undergrad of which clearly school was not my priority. I also lost my mom my sophomore year and do genuinely feel that played a role. Anyways, after college I participated in AmeriCorps NCCC, spent 3 years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic and now am a Public Health Educator for Planned Parenthood. I really want to be a nurse. I think it's where my life journey has been leading for awhile, I am very passionate about HIV/AIDS prevention, speak fluent Spanish and have incredible experience in youth development. I have started taking my pre-reqs, Human development and A and P. I have an A and B and plan to get A's in the rest. Does anyone think I have a chance to get into an accelerated BSN program with such a low GPA? Can I make an argument with my experience and a good pre-req GPA and good letters of rec?

I believe you have a chance. I had a 2.3 undergad GPA. My dad passed away before I started college. I think that had to do with it too. Yes GPA is a part of it, but I think if we can explain the main reasons that affected our GPA and prove that we are making improvements since then, that that will be taken into account. I'm actually very proud of your work in the Peace Corp! Keep it up!

I'm at the other end of the spectrum. I graduated with a B.A. in Psychology with a 3.9 and when I took my nursing prereqs I got "Cs" in a & p... and an "A" in Micro. I don't know what to do at this point.

3.9?! Congrats on that GPA, but how did you get C's in A&P?

Hi 2BJenurse, do you mind sending me the spreadsheet of the private schools? My email is [email protected] Thanks!

I am in a similar situation as you, I graduated with a BA in Recreation and Leisure with a nonprofit emphasis with a 2.98 GPA , I've worked in Nonprofits for over 12 years and finding it hard to apply at schools. I was young and really didn't know how to succeed in college back in 1992, at the time was a 2.1. I'm now a young 37 y/o just finished my Patho/pharm/micro/chem/life span/ A&P with all A's and B's. I've made a spread sheet of schools that accept students with a 2.5 and above, I figure I have a better chance at competing in private schools with a more generous GPA requirement. I haven't even attempted community colleges or State school, for the very reason that many people have mentioned- I simply can't compete with those with such a high GPA. If you are interested in me sending you the spreadsheet I made, send me an email, I can email it to you. I found most of the schools from others here on allnurses.com-- GREAT RESOURCE. best of luck and you can do it!!!

Hi 2BJenurse, do you mind sending me the spreadsheet of the private schools? My email is [email protected] Thanks!

Hi 2BJenurse, do you mind sending me the spreadsheet of the private schools? My email is [email protected] Thanks!

can i have it also [email protected]


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