Active Duty Navy Direct Accession FY 2017

Specialties Government


Greetings! I am a RN with about 1 years medsurg experience looking to apply for FY 2017 to the Navy for direct accession. Anyone else out there working on their packet or that have already submitted it? Please feel free share your experiences thus far, desired duty stations and any valuable info. Thanks!

If those that are selected decide not to accept their commission, then the alternates would be offered those spots. My recruiter told me that the alternates are offered the first slots the next fiscal year, which will be this October.

Yes, what textlak said. We are considered professionally qualified by Navy standards, however, did not make board. Instead, we are placed as alternates. If the original pool of people they chose do not or cannot make the commitment, then move up into their slot. I was kind of bummed about it, however, things happen for a reason. It is better than being disqualified completely. Keep me posted!

I was told I was selected by the board in December but just recently found out I am supposed to commission this month and go to ODS June 4th. They never came out and said I was an alternate but I am pretty sure that's the case based on little things they have said. My recruiter has a weird way of saying things. I'm credentialed in ER.

Yes, what textlak said. We are considered professionally qualified by Navy standards, however, did not make board. Instead, we are placed as alternates. If the original pool of people they chose do not or cannot make the commitment, then move up into their slot. I was kind of bummed about it, however, things happen for a reason. It is better than being disqualified completely. Keep me posted!

I was an alternate back in 2013, and here I am now 4 years later a LT and attached to the marine corps. crazy things can happen. good luck

Congratulations to all that have been picked up and thank you to those of you who are so encouraging. I have been picked up and will speak with the detailer tomorrow! I am excited and nervous at the same time. lol

Congratulations! I just found out several days ago that I was picked up as well.

Congrats! Nervous and excited, I know the feeling! Today I don't even know how to explain what I feel. It's a whole new level lol. I leave tomorrow!

Anyone leaving in AUG?

I am. Have you commissioned yet?

Congrats! I just got accepted as well after being put on the alternate list and will be going off to ODS in September! Anyone else going then??

I'm going in August and commissioned today.

How long it took your Final Selection letter to arrive ?

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