Got in school, now anxious



Never posted before......

Got accepted for this fall, really am proud and excited - have my books & stuff. People who want to go keep coming up and asking me how excited I am, and when I don't always feel like jumping up and down, they act like I'm crazy. Sometimes I'm so anxious about leaving a job I love (NP in hospital), but work a lot of hard hours at, that I want to throw up........not to mention no paycheck for 27 months is scary!!!!!!!!

Wish August would go ahead and get here, this working extra and saving $$ and trying to payoff bills is getting old............

Can other people relate to this?


Morgie's (the gsd) Mom

Boy can I relate, leaving my job of 17 years and scared to death. Everyone comes up to me also and says are you excited? I respond most of the time scared sh** less. I also have just bought books sold my yukon, bought furniture for my apartment, and paid off all my bills. I am ready, I think :chuckle

What school are you going to? Gc


Never posted before......

Got accepted for this fall, really am proud and excited - have my books & stuff. People who want to go keep coming up and asking me how excited I am, and when I don't always feel like jumping up and down, they act like I'm crazy. Sometimes I'm so anxious about leaving a job I love (NP in hospital), but work a lot of hard hours at, that I want to throw up........not to mention no paycheck for 27 months is scary!!!!!!!!

Wish August would go ahead and get here, this working extra and saving $$ and trying to payoff bills is getting old............

Can other people relate to this?


Morgie's (the gsd) Mom

Boy can I relate, leaving my job of 17 years and scared to death. Everyone comes up to me also and says are you excited? I respond most of the time scared sh** less. I also have just bought books sold my yukon, bought furniture for my apartment, and paid off all my bills. I am ready, I think :chuckle

What school are you going to? Gc

UAB (Birmingham)

How about you??

UAB (Birmingham)

How about you??

Hello, I've been accepted for August too. I'm done with most of my science course but will be starting with my clinicals in a few months. Sometimes I'm really excited and happy about it and at others I get nervous thinking about all the things I'm going to be expected to do and to know and to experience. I just hope that I can make it throught all right.

Got accepted for this fall... People who want to go keep coming up and asking me how excited I am, and when I don't always feel like jumping up and down, they act like I'm crazy. Sometimes I'm so anxious about leaving a job I love (NP in hospital), but work a lot of hard hours at, that I want to throw up........not to mention no paycheck for 27 months is scary!!!!!!!!

Wish August would go ahead and get here, this working extra and saving $$ and trying to payoff bills is getting old............

Can other people relate to this?


Morgie's (the gsd) Mom

:balloons: congrats on getting in !! :Melody:

hi. yeah i can relate. i do not think it set in until i moved and started the core courses the summer semester before i started the program. i was very excited at first finding out i was in, then after a while people would ask and it was much the same. i had so much to prepare between getting the call, and starting (selling a house, leaving a 7 yr job, family, baby etc...)

once you start and see what you are up against the feeling will be there - i know it.

good luck!


COMPLETELY understand your feelings......ambivalence would sum it up nicely! Proud, honored, and humbled to be in this position; however, becoming "unemployed" for the first time in 20 years is a little hard to do........we, too, are paying off things in anticipation of.......already been under hubby's salary since we found out that I got in, so the adjustment period is really over, it is just the fact of being unemployed that gets assured, we are all feeling the same things. If you want reinforcements, just PM me anytime! By the way, I am going to the Wake Forest/Baptist Hospital NAP in NC. Best of luck to you all! (17 more shifts in the MICU!)

I am going to TCU this fall. :chuckle

UAB (Birmingham)

How about you??

Specializes in Med-Surge.

I'm in!!! I'm really, really in! I am SO excited! Don't be anxious. When I start to become anxious I remember this phrase, "The grace of God will not lead you where the grace of God can not keep you. Everyone feels nervous but we'll make it through.

I know if one more person ask me, " so when are you starting school?", I'm going to scream. Its funny how GOD can put you in situations and places you never thought you could be in. That's why I know I will and everybody on here will be successful in school. Its just a matter of getting it done. " Its an honor to be selected to serve".


I too will start at UAB this fall. Congrats! Like you, I am very nervous about making the move from one position that you know to embarking on the unknown. But we'll get through it just like others before us have and others behind us will. I try to give myself these little pep talks....not sure if it's working because I am still pretty terrified about the whole thing!:chair:

UAB (Birmingham)

How about you??

I'm a current UAB student and am in the third week of clinicals...

Don't fret too much about starting classes, yea it's pretty nerve wrecking, but after the first couple of classes, you will find your groove...

Oh, and don't worry, you'll still have a job; it's called studying! And if you're like me, you'll spend more time at this new job every week then you did at your old one...

But, it is fun and challenging and time will FLY by...

The only advice that I would like to share with you is this:

Do NOT get behind in your studies... You will see what I mean after the first few classes... The material is not impossible, it's just a lot... You will become very creative with your time management...

Good luck to you..


Thanks so much for everyone's encouraging responses!

I am feeling a lot better! I think these months between finding out I'm going and actually going are just kind of nervewracking! Too much time to worry, and think of various things to worry about...............

I am very very excited about going, know this is what I want to do! Just ready to get a move on!

Thanks again,


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