Got anything good to say?


I have seen and heard so many horror stories about nursing, specifically LTC. Just wanted to maybe change the mood a bit so here's my question...

What do you Like about your job? Is there anything you LOVE about it? What are the perks not only in your career, but also your life outside of work. Does nursing give you the kind of life you hoped for? C'mon, tell me somethin' good!

I like payday! I'm considered an "essential service worker", so my paycheque will never bounce.

The good thing about nursing is it pays me a very respectable wage that lets me travel and no longer worry.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

While I hate LTC, I definitely have lots of good things to say....

1. I continue to laugh quietly to myself every time I think about the time I administered a Colace enema and the pt said to me, "hmmm, it tastes like strawberries". HA!!!!! I suppose rectal route is still a mucous membrane and goes straight into the blood- similar to the chlorine/pool water taste when you flush an IV with NS.

2. Last weekend, a guy came into the ED with SoB (I'd put money that he not only had PNA, but that his home O2 tank was also on empty). I stayed 30 minutes after my shift to complete the ambulance triage, start the IV, grab the blood cx's, put the guy on a Venti mask (he was a COPD'er), grabbed the EKG, and really made the family feel at ease with the situation. Even I was impressed at the fluidity with which I did everything. LOVE IT!!

3. Hung out with the Ultrasound tech during a bedside U/S, looking for DVTs. All I can say is "wow"- talk about specialized training. I thought I was advanced b/c I'm one of the few nurses who knows how to use the U/S machine for difficult sticks in the ER but this was way beyond me. ROCK IT!!

4. My job is awesome because some days I get to deal with really really sick people and other days I can do more clinic work. FEELING IT!!

5. On a rather regular basis, someone comes up to me to say, "you saved 's life". Now THAT is a good feeling... even tho I really only administered narcotics and zofran, but hey, let them think what they want. LIVING IT!!

6. This is the second year in a row I've gotten an annual bonus on my paycheck. SPENDING IT!!


8. I only work weekends - BOYFRIEND HATES IT!!... Oh wait.... i love it tho, ahem, moving on.

9. The med-surg nurses think I'm the vein whisperer... PALPATE IT!!

10. I finally made those nursing friends that I can go drinking with... CHEERS TO IT!!

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

oh!! And I finally have an avatar!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
What are the perks not only in your career, but also your life outside of work. Does nursing give you the kind of life you hoped for? C'mon, tell me somethin' good!
I like the fact that, due to compressed shifts, I have anywhere from three to five days off per week. Since I'm a person who loves unstructured free time, I do not function well when I am forced to work five 8-hour shifts per week, so I prefer 12-hour or 16-hour shifts. The pay is not too shabby, either.
Specializes in ICU.

Libran, you get an annual bonus? Wow. OK, what I like about my profession: I can basically work whatever shifts/hours I want to. Hmmmm, that's about it.

Specializes in leadership, corrections.

I work 2 jobs and volunteer. I supervise at an Assisted Living Facility/Nsg Home and on call for hospice and volunteer at the indigent care clinic at the Salvation Army. What I love about my jobs- caring for my patients. I love listening to their stories especially from my centenarians- 102, 103, 104. For hospice, I care for them during their darkest hours as they face the outcome of their terminal illness. I make CDs with their favorite music and we talk about their life up until that moment. Not many stay in hospice because it forces them to think about their death and they also don't like to do the pronouncement. Hospice allows me to be even more grateful for my family and to be alive. And with my volunteering at the Salvation Army, I love meeting new patients and learning about their cultures. Many can barely afford healthcare because they are paid below the minimum wage. This is why I went back to school to become a nurse practitioner, so I can expand my care to patients at home. We use what is donated and the patients are so grateful for everyone volunteering their time. If I had to choose another profession, I'd still choose nursing.

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