GOP releases healthcare plan; actual plan not included

Nurses Activism


GOP releases healthcare plan; actual plan not included :lol2:

Source: Salon

Remember the House Republicans' alternative budget plan where the only numbers were the page numbers? Well, they've done it again!

House Republicans presented a four-page outline of their health care reform plan Wednesday but said they didn't know yet how much it would cost, how they would pay for it and how many of the nearly 50 million Americans without insurance would be covered by it.
You can read the proposal here (pdf file).
Specializes in Orientation hahahaha.
You say that it' selfish to take "away from hardworking "legal" Americans" because they are interested in Universal Healthcare. I don't think that's the case at all, I think proponents of UHC want it because they think it will control costs, provide a more equal system and be better for the country all together. I wouldn't assume that all the people who want Universal Health Care in this country are all "bleeding hearts" any more than I would assume that people who support the 2nd amendment are all card carrying members of the NRA. You say that you have lots of European friends and they "won't admit there system is wrong". Perhaps it's because, they don't believe it be "wrong".

For the record, the health care reforms being discussed in Washington are not "socialist". The details are still forthcoming but no one has seriously discussed pushing the private sector out of business.

And Capiltalism does prosper, even after GM's bankruptcy the private sector still holds 99.79% of corporate and business assets. We shouldn't run for the hills just yet. :lol2:

You evidently didn't read my post through. Europeans I said "they won't admit it is wrong or either don't kow anybetter." You see you already don't know anybetter which makes you a perfect example of the type of person that would want UHC. You are obviously another Liberal who has even pulled out the 2nd amendment hate card. You truly may even hate your own country, am I right? You just labeled a few million people with your comment. Your thinking and people who share your mentality will be the end of Capitalism. And, your remark concerning GM, fascinating.... Lay off CNN, try not to become so emotionally involved in what you do not understand. Let "encourage" America continue to operate as a Capitalist state and maybe you children or you childrens children will not pay for you mistakes and foronic mentality.

Specializes in LTC.
You evidently didn't read my post through. Europeans I said "they won't admit it is wrong or either don't kow anybetter." You see you already don't know anybetter which makes you a perfect example of the type of person that would want UHC. You are obviously another Liberal who has even pulled out the 2nd amendment hate card. You truly may even hate your own country, am I right? You just labeled a few million people with your comment. Your thinking and people who share your mentality will be the end of Capitalism. And, your remark concerning GM, fascinating.... Lay off CNN, try not to become so emotionally involved in what you do not understand. Let "encourage" America continue to operate as a Capitalist state and maybe you children or you childrens children will not pay for you mistakes and foronic mentality.

What a remarkable number of assumptions you make about people that you don't even know. You wrote, and this is a direct quote, "Having lots of European friends most wont admit there system is wrong. Most don't know any better." And from that sentiment, I can safely extrapolate that;

1) You think the "European" health systems are "wrong".

2) You attempt to discredit the vast majority of Europeans who support their health care systems, by simply saying, "they're wrong".

3) You think Europeans are ignorant.

I didn't pull any hate card at all, I simply made an observation about the faultiness of assuming that only liberals support health care reform. I consider myself Centrist, however I do lean slightly left and support a single-payer health care program.

I don't hate my country, I didn't label anyone. However, this country certainly has problems that need to be adressed.

Foronic is not a word.

It wasn't my remark about GM, I was simply pointing out that many individuals falsely believe that socialism is over-running this country, when there is no real evidence that supports such a claim. If you have evidence to support it, please present it and then tell me why I should care.

I don't watch CNN because I don't have cable, and furthermore I think the 24 hr. news networks are a sham.

Furthermore, I propose, if you want to continue this discussion let's stop with the baseless assumptions.

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.
Yes, I have had to pay COBRA before as well, still no excuse. You attempt to rationalize Universal Healthcare with a COBRA statement is in no way a reason to do away with our current system. So the four months absolutely did you in? You did not return to work? Your observation has nothing to do with the bigger picture. Ignorance is truely ignorance. Emotional ramblings about a subject in which you know nothing about and only have a reference to your own COBRA stent does not "even hardly" make you a scholar of Universal Healthcare. Taking away from hardworking "legal" Americans b/c you think that you have been done wrong b/c you paid 4 months of Cobra is well, selfish.

your posts no longer warrant any kind of response from me.

i might as well nail jell-o to the wall.

think of the word selfish.

look in the mirror.

Specializes in LTC.

Oooh, Socialism!! Scary! Reminds of these Daily Show with Jon Stewart reports:

The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 1

Wyatt Cenac travels to Sweden to wake up their hauntingly thin citizens from their socialist nightmare.

The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2

Sweden may have free health care, but America has Baconnaise.

Those were pretty funny videos. I like political comedy. :lol2:

Whatever the GOP comes up with in terms of a health care "plan", I think they should include this picture, fear is right up their alley. ;)


Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Closing thread for Admin review re name calling/TOS.

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