Good Nursing Shoes?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

Can anyone help out? I have to buy nursing shoes for clinicals... white only, closed heel, no vents, no slip on's,..does anyone have any suggestions on some decent ones? Thanks for any help you can give me. :bowingpur

For what it's worth, the "best" nursing shoes are the ones that are most comfortable for your feet, legs and back :)

The first year of NS I wore basic white Treadsafes from Wal-Mart, at the grand cost of $9.88 each pair. I indulged in a new pair the third semester :) They were quite comfortable, and I practically NEVER sat. Classmates with "better" shoes were on their butts far more than me ;)

Fourth semester I got a pair of "nursing" type shoes, an actual medical brand, lol....but still from Wal-Mart! This time the plain ones (not athletic-shoe look, but smooth Dutch Boy shoe look). Grand cost for THESE was $18.88 for the pair. Really going all out this time, LOL! :p

And in case you think I'm a skinny young'un with a great back, I'm.....not :)

Still have those "last semester" shoes, they are SOO comfortable I've been known to forget to change out of them! I plan to wear them when I start a new job in September :)

Try out something cheaper first; you have nothing to lose but ten to twenty bucks, and mine were worth every dime!

Merrell. Only shoe I'd wear. I started out with a pair of nurse mates and they killed my feet. Merrell's aren't cheap but it's worth it as much as you are on you feet.

I love my birkenstocks. I bought the london shoes that someone else mentioned and they are great. My feet thanked me. They are pretty expensive but I believe worth every penny. My local birkenstock store has a layaway plan so you may want to check that out if you have on near you. Before these I had a pair of nurse mates that were like tennis shoes and my feet hurt so bad by the end of the day I could hardly even walk.

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