Going to school while pregnant?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I know many have and I want to hear your stories. I will be going this fall and will be due to delivery my 2nd child the same week of finals. I am sure he/she will be overdue as my first was a week over. I am going to go, but how was it for those of you who have already gone while pregnant. I am sure I will be tired, and huge, lol, but I want to knock these classes out before I have 2 little ones to look after. Then I will be taking 2 classes a semester until I feel I can take on more.

Thanks for the thoughts/experience in advance. :)

Well because you are due the week of finals, I wouldnt do it. I completely know how you feel about the whole situation though. I am due July 20th and wanted to take a summer class that would end a week before my due date and I decided against it. With my first I was a week late and even had to be induced but every pregnancy is so different and they always say your second one can come sooner. I even chickened out on taking a fall class that would start when my baby is 6 weeks old. It would be a huge risk for you to take because you never know when your body will be ready! And like someone told me, one semester really wont make a huge difference in the big picture. That is just my personal opinion though.

Sorry I don't agree with AyvasMom. Last year I started my pregnancy in the Spring semester and had my baby in the Fall semester. Classes where Monday, Wednesday. I was taking Micro in the fall went to the hospital on Sept. 15th which was a Tuesday, missed Wednesday class and went right back to class the following Monday. My boy was only a week old. if you talk to your professors they will help you and make it work so you don't miss your final.

Oh, by the way I also had class on Sunday, which luckly the professor took off that Sunday. Not to mention I have five other kids. So if I can do it, (have a baby and take care of five others and still make it to school) anyone can do it.

Just a word of advise, pace yourself, and definetly have family and your better half take up alot of the household chores including taking care of the newborn.

Good Luck! Congrats on baby, they are such a joy. (when they are not crying) LOL:D

I know many have and I want to hear your stories. :)

It must not be a big deal. Based on the number of my classmates coming down with sperm poisoning and the numerous posts on the board, pregnancy is dang near a prerequisite.

well, it all depends on how you feel you would do. Both times I was pregnant, I was enrolled in college (full-time). I was a bit tired but I managed to finish my classes even though I had c-sections (2x) towards the end of classes. My son is 2 and my daughter is 1mth and I will start my BSN program in August (by the way).

It must not be a big deal. Based on the number of my classmates coming down with sperm poisoning and the numerous posts on the board, pregnancy is dang near a prerequisite.

:yeah::yeah::yeah:SPERM POISONING!!!!!! :lol2::lol2::lol2::lol2:

Specializes in Infusion.

Intern67 - love it !!

All of the pregnant people that I've seen in class don't seem to show up again once the baby is born. You couldn't pay me enough money to dump either of my newborn babies onto some other family member. I see too many people treating their newborns like pets on these boards. Sorry to offend but your baby doesn't care about your career.

If your baby is due the week of finals, I would ask teachers if you could take the final early. I have never had a problem with a professor letting me take a test early...just with students wanting to take a test after the test date.

Intern67 - love it !!

All of the pregnant people that I've seen in class don't seem to show up again once the baby is born. You couldn't pay me enough money to dump either of my newborn babies onto some other family member. I see too many people treating their newborns like pets on these boards. Sorry to offend but your baby doesn't care about your career.

Sorry to tell you the truth I love my children and I don't see them as pets. What I do see is me making an easier life for them when I'm done with nursing school. The best thing about it is that all my children sit with me and study as well ( the older ones), and the younger ones try to read even if they don't even know the letters. So it's not treating our children like pets but only making a better life for them.

Oh, by the way I have six children so I do deserve some help from family which I hardly get. My best help is my husband, my 16year old son and 17 year old daughter.

Point being, when and if you need the help ask for it. You are not hurting anyone but yourself when you don't finish what you have started.:D

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