Published Aug 30, 2020
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
83 Articles; 5,923 Posts
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the number of reported COVID-19 cases has topped 25 million, with the U.S., Brazil and India leading the grim count.
Quote The number of reported Covid-19 cases across the globe have surpassed 25 million, with the U.S., Brazil and India leading the total count, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The U.S., Mexico and Brazil represent more than 40% of the global death toll, according to Johns Hopkins. Reported Covid-19 cases first surpassed 10 million in late June, then reached 20 million just over six weeks later on Aug. 10, according to Johns Hopkins data.
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116 Posts
Honestly, I don't even really pay attention to the overall "official" numbers anymore because we've just bungled testing and everything up so badly since the beginning that I don't think it's very accurate or that it really matters that much anyway. I pay attention to hospitalization and deaths. Those are tangible, actual numbers that we can actually see and verify in real time, and keeping hospitalizations under control was the main purpose of lockdowns and other measures in the first place. Does it really matter all that much who all is walking around out there asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic if nearly none of them are dying or requiring hospital care, especially when the number isn't accurate anyway? I'm not trying to downplay the disease, I'm just saying the overall number of cases is not something to base our responses and emotions on. How busy with covid is your hospital? How many deaths are you seeing in your area? Those are things we can say with certainty and that really matter most.
Kitiger, RN
1,834 Posts
I'm quoting ZDOGGMD:
"There was a JAMA article that looked at the period from March 1st through the end of May, May 30th, and that’s three solid months in the center of the pandemic when things were locking down and there was a lot of drama, right? We’re not looking at June and July when things have been picking up again.
What did they find? They found roughly 122,000 excess deaths in the US during that time, compared to previous years. So that’s a lot of excess deaths. And so we go, okay, well, how many of those were actually labeled as COVID-19, in other words what was the COVID-19 death rate at that time? Well, guess what. The COVID-19 death count over that period of time was 30% less than the total number of excess deaths, in other words deaths you wouldn’t have expected to happen that year. That’s a lot of deaths."
Tenebrae, BSN, RN
2,010 Posts
Hate to say it but the US is still leading by a long way