Getting into nursing school when you have a previous bachelor's degree in something else

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



I would like to know if it is a good thing to mention your previous bachelor's degree when applying to nursing school (I have a bachelor's degree in finance). my husband told me to do not mention it to get Financial aid, but I want to be honest with my school.


Some of your past classes may help with the prerequisites. Mine helped. Be honest. Good Luck!

Specializes in Cardiovascular.

You'll fill it out in the application. If you are called in for an interview there's no need to bring it up unless they do, since it's already done in the application. Also as mentioned in a previous comment the only thing that it'll really have an affect on is federal loans and grans (FASFA related), but that does not mean you can't get other scholarships. I finished nursing school this past December and I got scholarships to pay for a majority of it, I didn't get anything through FASFA since I already have a BS in Bio. The fact that you have another degree won't affect your chances of admission, it may even help you skip having to take pre-reqs, as it did for me.

Nursing is all about honesty don't start your career by omitting the truth.

I have a non-related Bachelors degree, as do many (most) of my class. There were a couple younger kids, but they were the exception.

A degree in another field will show that you are capable of completing college work, and also probably knock out most of your Gen Ed classes for your nursing degree.

I agree with everyone saying that honesty is the best policy.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Starting your nursing career by even thinking about lying is not acceptable.

I think you miss understood me. I am not thinking about lying. I am currently a teacher, and what I teach my students before letters and numbers is to be honest. Btw, my AP profesor gave me a 5/5 on quiz, I told her that she made a mistake, I deserve a 4/5. Lying is the last thing I think of.

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