Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

Congrats Starr!! I got the scholarship too!!

Yay!!!! Starr I am so happy for you!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!

I just got a text from holly....she got in too!!!

I got in!!!!!!!! She just called me~!!!!!!

:ancong!: tbs and holly!

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.

Congratulations Holly, Joyce, and Kristen!!!!!

Now, what about Joy?????

Congrats to everyone so far!!!

Praying for the rest of you guys.......

AND kristen too!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.

What about Courtney? I think she said that she can't get on allnurses from her mobile while she is in, I'm watching her facebook to see if she says she got in.

Congrats Joyce, Holly, and Starr!!!

This is so freaking awesome

My friend Jayme got in too!!!!!

Specializes in CNA- many years ago.

Congrats Jayme!!!!

I sent courtney a message via FB to let her know they are now calling people. She has not heard either way yet...........

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