Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

good luck!

I have to say I am so tired of checking the computer every 5 sec to see if anyone has had a response yet!!!!!!!!!!:throcomp:

OK just spoke with CW....she is hoping to call us by the end of the day. She said we would receive a call if we did or didnt get in. At first she said tomorrow afternoon, but she is hoping for today. She was very nice, and apologized for it taking so long. I tried to get it out of her if I got in, but she said she couldnt say.:uhoh21:

Another day of wondering if they will call........

LOL...I know Starr

Thanks for calling K. I guess it's safe for me to get a shower since I'm not expecting a call in the next 30 minutes! :tbsk:

But, it kind of scares me that she is going to call either way. If I didnt get the scholarship, I would just rather hear via email!!

I would rather hear by phone. I want to know where I fell short if I don't get in.

Forgive me if you have answered these questions already! But....are most of you starting the first day of class with the Fundamentals and Health Assessment books? What does the Assessment kit we paid $102.00 for have in it, are the IV kit, skills lab kit and the stethoscope included? Thanks! By the way....I Haven't heard anything!

At registration, she gave us a list of what each kit includes.

Thanks for calling KB!! I'm going to work out...but of course, take my cell with me :pumpiron:

Ya'll are welcome!!! I just wish I had a better response to give you!!!! I think its safe to take a shower, she did say it would be this afternoon!!!! But the suspense is killing me!!!! If we dont hear today, I will call again tomorrow!! I do not mind bugging people!!!!

I am just curious if anyone is really being affected by the in daycare, work, etc..

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