Published Feb 19, 2009
1 Post
Just wondering if anyone has heard from Georgetown as to whether they got an interview for their Fall '09 Accelerated BSN program. I am hoping to hear soon!!
3 Posts
I applied as well and haven't heard anything. I'm hoping we hear this week or next week. Good luck :)
101 Posts
Has anyone heard anything about interviews yet? I talked to the admission office last week and they said an email invitation would be sent out March 1st (yesterday). Did anyone get one?
I applied to the direct entry BSN/MSN prgram.
13 Posts
Hi, I haven't heard anything either. I was under the impression I would receive correspondence by email, but not a word!!
Does anyone have any updates?
Just from reading the threads from last year, interviews were conducted in mid-March and decisions in early April.
It's getting late not to notify people if they are going by the same schedule since they require an in person interview.
Thanks Jalin,
Did you also apply this year? I called today and I was put through to voicemail.
86 Posts
Hi everyone.
I just heard feedback from one of the admissions personnel. Invitations were sent via email on Feb 28th - with the first round of interviews starting next week. Unfortunately, if you haven't received anything by now, it is unlikely that you have been invited for an interview and correspondence on official acceptance/rejection will be sent out after interviews are completed. I myself didn't get an invitation to interview - so I'm pretty bummed since Georgetown was my first choice! But hope this information puts everyone at ease. Good luck on other applications! :)
Thank you so much! It is a bummer, but good just to know...
Thanks for the information.
62 Posts
I received an e-mail interview invite on February 28 (Saturday), at around noon. Check your spam folders, it may have been put there.
Hi Everyone!
I just received correspondence from Laura today who said they may potentially release MORE invitations to interview within the next couple of weeks - keep your fingers crossed and goodluck!
11 Posts
Well I am glad to see I'm not the only waiting for an invitation. I have to say I'm a bit discouraged after reading these posts. I hope I still have a chance :) Good luck to everyone!