Georgetown ABSN Fall 2011


Any applicants to the Georgetown ABSN program for Fall 2011 out there? I have been reading old threads from last year and for applicants to Spring 2011, but it would be nice to have a place for Fall 2011 applicants to talk.

From what I read in past threads, the application to the WHC program is sent out any day now and we hear about whether or not we are being interviewed at the end of February.

So who's out there?

I've been wondering the same thing about the WHC interviews. I'm going this Saturday. Are you?

Yup, I'll be there this Saturday as well. I'm searching the boards (and trying to get in touch with WHC scholars in the Spring 2011 cohort) to see what I can find out. I'll post if I learn anything. :)

I was wondering if anyone was going to the interview on Monday?

aalett- Thanks for posting on the Spring 2011 thread! I went to do the same thing when I saw you already had. Hopefully we can get some tips before this weekend. I'll be there Friday and Saturday too. I wish I knew how to prepare for the interview. Looking forward to meeting those of you who will be there!


You're welcome! :) I'll consolidate the responses I get there and bring them back to this thread for anyone who might be interested in the WHC interview "guidance." Are there any questions re: WHC visit anyone would like me to ask? I also emailed Catherine Reisenberg today asking where we should go when we arrive at WHC (unfortunately, I've spent more time there recently than I would like, so I know it is massive and maze-like), what the interview format/time is, and if they have access to our Georgetown application materials (NursingCAS, myCollegei, supplemental). I'll let y'all know what she says once I get a response.

On a completely unrelated note, I wanted to mention that I went to Georgetown undergrad (Class of 2008!) and have lived in DC ever since - so I could be a reference for anyone looking for advice re: housing, commuting, or Georgetown in general. :)

Hi Everybody!! Hope you're well! For those of you who visited over the weekend for both Georgetown and WHC, what were your thoughts? Was WHC what you expected? Are you still enthusiastic about the scholarship? Would love to hear what folks are thinking!


I went to the WHC Interview on Saturday, and am feeling pretty ambivalent about it. Mostly, I felt like I did not have a very good interview, but I'd be interested to hear about someone else's experience. 80% tuition would be a lot to turn down, even if WHC may not be a perfect fit in terms of what many of us may want to do (Family, Peds, Women's Health, etc), and there's something to be said for being well-rounded and having work experience in different areas. That said, I feel like I'm not going to get the scholarship anyway, so I won't worry about it! :)

On a related note - my interviewer did not leave out his business card, and I can't find a way to get any contact information to send him a thank you note. Any suggestions?


Hi! Thanks for reporting back! Sorry to hear you didn't feel great about your interview! I also interviewed on Saturday and am completely in love with WHC! I'm one of those nurses who feels really excited about nursing in a high acuity, diverse hospital setting, but who doesn't know which specialty I'll end up in yet! So basically, I feel like this this program would be perfect!!

I'm definitely nervous and hopeful about the decisions!! After meeting everybody this weekend, I know that everybody is super qualified and amazing!

Aalett, are you definitely going to Georgetown or are there other schools in the running for you? What part of DC do you live in?


I'm definitely going to Georgetown, I just haven't sent in my deposit yet. What about you?

I live just east of Union Station, sort of between the Capitol Hill and H Street neighborhoods; I love it!

I'm most likely going to Georgetown as well! The visit was great on Friday...made me really excited for the fall! And like I said, I was blown away by WHC on Saturday. After the visit I think I would commit three years there after graduating even if they weren't going to give me the scholarship!

I'm in the DC area as well (in the U Street neighborhood)...trying to figure out where to live next year will be easier once I know about the WHC scholarship...but I'm probably going to try to live somewhere without roommates (all of my friends are far too much fun to be conducive to studying) and closer to Dupont (read: GUTS bus).

SO excited to start nursing school!!!

what did people wear for the experience georgetown?

Hope everybody had great interviews!! I guess we hear back this week! So exciting!!

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