Published Aug 1, 2010
8 Posts
Hello All,
I have several years experience as an RRT and recently became a RN. My current job as RRT, I work in a special care nursery managing respiratory patients, i.e vents, CPAP, HFNC. We do some shared functions with nursing as well, such as vitals, feedings, etc. We also go to all deliveries via c/s, lady partsl, high and low risk. So my issue is do I stay in this setting as a new nurse or should I go to a general surgery unit where I can hone in on my skills and disease processes. Any input would be appreciated.
Thank you.
502 Posts
Two different settings....what did you like in nursing school? Did you like taking care of adult patients? Do you like the current unit? Do you like caring for sick babies? Then if so, I'd stay put and continue on. Good luck.
April, RN, BSN, RN
1,008 Posts
These were going to be my questions as well. If you enjoy this patient population, I'd stick with it. Working in adult surgery isn't going to be all that beneficial if you plan to go back to infants. Also, continuing where you are could help eliminate that new grad "sink or swim" feeling since you are experienced in this area. My thinking is that if you are less stressed as a new grad, you will be happier with your job overall.
1,221 Posts
you would probably do really well in an ICU setting. If I was an ICU director I would love to get a hold of you as a new grad, someone that will be easy to train with your RRT experience and someone that can be paid a little less for the first 2-3 years.