Who had a great first week of school?

Nursing Students General Students


Seeing that some of us had a bad first week is starting to make me nervous! Who had a good first week? What did you do? What are you learning? We don't start clinicals until Oct. I hope they teach us as much as possible before then, so I'll feel a bit more confident!!! :)


I had a good first week. Although I will not begin clinicals until January, but the nursing courses, psych and A&P I, will be enough to keep me busy. I find I am actually learning easier than I thought I would and for now I am calm. Hope everyone else had a good week.

I had a wonderful first week :D :) :D :) :D :)

hi lisa, i started aug 5th and things have been going really well, clinicals for me start sept. 3rd, it was kind of nice to get started back early, i was ready !! ;)

like studentdeb, i'm feeling calm and absorbing everything pretty well. some of my classmates aren't doing well and i wish they were. :cool:

:D i'm finishing up with immunizations, cpr, and cut my nails..etc.. getting reading for sept.


I am so glad that you are all having a good time. I hope next week I can say the same :)


First 2 days have been good. Of course, we're all nervous but it seems to be a good mix of people in the class. Orientation was all day Thurs. and CPR training all day Fri. Regular classes start Monday. Our 2 nursing instructors were interesting, welcoming and organized. Only thing I don't like is the strict dress code. Even when not in clinicals, we can't wear open-toe shoes, no capri pants, no sleeveless tops, no denim and on and on! They advised us to just get some scrubs and then we wouldn't have to worry about the dress code.

originally posted by mkue

:D i'm finishing up with immunizations, cpr, and cut my nails..etc.. getting reading for sept.


i am trying to decide when to have the "nail cutting ceremony"---mine are not real long, but i will miss them! also trying to decide what to do with my hair for clinical--it can't touch the collar....:rolleyes:

How long is your hair? I pull mine back, and that's alright. I'm going to get it cut soon, though.

We don't start back until Sept 3. I'm excited to go back, get started with clinical, and get going... I hate waiting around. I'm jealous of you folks who already started.

Y'all will probably get a break before me.


Originally posted by MsPurp

How long is your hair? I pull mine back, and that's alright. I'm going to get it cut soon, though.


That's the problem..I am letting some layers grow out, so the front is shorter..the back is just now long enough for a pony tail..I think by September 19, when we have our first clinical, it will be long enough. I am very tall, so I don't like really short hair for myself.

I'm going for a razor-cut choppy bob... the sooner I can have it done, the better. Mine is at that too long stage where if I don't spend at least 30 minutes blowing it completely dry IN SECTIONS, its another ponytail day.

Yuck! I hate long hair.

Carleigh! That is terrible! I think we can wear anything we like when we are in class. Clinicals, ofcourse, is another story :)

Originally posted by snlisa

Carleigh! That is terrible! I think we can wear anything we like when we are in class. Clinicals, ofcourse, is another story :)

I second that. I can't believe you have a dress code in class.

Hell, one of the students in my class has come to lecture in her pajamas. (I would never do that, of course.... but I'd be lost if I couldn't wear my jeans and sandals)


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