What info would you want in your pocket?

Nursing Students General Students


  1. What info do you have in your pocket at clinical/work?

    • 5
      Lab values ... norms, what they mean, etc.
    • 3
      Assessment parameters
    • 1
      New / unfamiliar procedures
    • 0
      The # for fast food delivery places
    • 2

11 members have participated

I'm making some nice notecards for a friend who's just starting a nursing program.

What kind of info would you want in your pocket when at clinical?

Lab values?

Procedure details?

Assessment parameters?

The pt's 5 rights of meds?

This is kind of a welcome to nursing school present for her ...

Any suggestions?

I think I would like the lab values and what the norms are and what the abnormals mean... Actually all of it would be nice, but especially the lab values..

How about different insulins and definitions for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia?

I like the lab values too though....

Like the onset, duration, and peak for each type of insulin .... cool.... hadn't thought of that. Thanks!

(I'll end up making two ... one for her and one for me!)

We were having a hard time remembering the difference between hypo and hyperglycemia when we were in nursing school. Our instructor taught us this...."Hot and dry, sugar's high. Cold and clammy, need some candy." I know it's silly but it sure did help us back then.

Shygirl... I really like that saying... Now I will never forget..

Hey Shygirl~

I remembered the cold and clammy, but for the life of me the hot and dry escaped me....now I know (again). Thanks!

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