Survey: what area of nursing are you thinking of going to or interests you

Nursing Students General Students


I am just curious to know what areas everyone is going into or thinking about after graduation. Myself personally I have a strong interest in Pediatrics/neonatal and school clinic based nursing. I am seriously thinking of becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner or family nurse practitioner later on down the road and eventually branching out into research. I also have interests in ER and Geriatrics, community/publich health.

I was a lay midwife for about 12 years, so I entered the BSN program with the intention of becoming a CNM. That's still my goal, but I must admit that ER has a pull for me too. I will never do pediatric nursing! :p We will be starting our psychiatric nursing semester in August, and that may also be interesting!


I plan on going into L & D or something related to it mother/baby etc. I'm fascinated by every aspect of birth & know that it will bring something different everyday and will keep me on my toes! Although surgical nursing, is starting to interest me too! :p

ER !! I have worked at a Level ! Trauma Center for a year and I loved it!1:cool: I worked as an ER Tech and got major practice in phlebotomy, working on trauma alerts, med codes, and I even got my EVOC certificate to drive the ambulance. I'm an LPN but I'm in the RN transition program now. It is brutal! :eek: It's only oen year so everything is in 6 week terms. Were in psych now and only 4 people passed the first exam! Thank God I was one of the four. It is too short of a time to do a semester course like psych in 6 weeks!

I had to cut down hours and switch jobs, theER was too physically demanding on a full time student. So I work at a Psych facility as a LPN per-diem. More $$ ,less stress, Psych is also very interesting, I work mainly with adolescents and in the Chemical Dependence unit. I got the experience I needed at the ER as a Tech, I know come clinicals I will run circles around everyone.

Hopefully, I can get an ER preceptorship after graduation.

I'd like to go into ER or NICU. My twins were in the NICU for 3 weeks when they were born, and I think it is just amazing and fascinating as for what is now possible. Long term goal is to become a FNP. My own FNP is the person who got me to this point here in life.:p

I looking at hospice or psych :) Would like to continue my education to become an NP.


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