school=weight gain

Nursing Students General Students


Since school has started this past semester...i feel SO uhealthy. I never have time to exercise and i always eat when i study.....WHICH IS ALL THE TIME! I need to MAKE time to run and relieve stress!!:confused: :(

between starting school last year in August and Christmas, I gained 8 pounds! Starting clinicals in March of this year helped. You'll get it off once you start working!

between starting school last year in august and christmas, i gained 8 pounds! starting clinicals in march of this year helped. you'll get it off once you start working!

that's all!!!!!! :) :D

i have gained 15-20 in the last year doing the same thing - eating while studying and drinking lots of soda(to keep awake:)

my best advice is to cut out the soda and make time to exercise. it isn't as difficult as it sounds. you make time to study, just consider exercise something that you have to do and not something easily dispensible.

good luck


p.s. i have lost 8 pounds in the last month and a half using this advice.

I'm usually pretty good when it comes to eating right, but I always have to be munching on something when I'm studying!!! It makes me feel gross and unhealthy too. To make sure I keep in shape I have a kickboxing class I attend 2-3 times a week for an hour. It meets the same time every session, so I just have it programmed into my schedule and make myself GO... even when I dont feel like it! The key is to find something that you enjoy, for me I found kickboxing to be fun in addition to a great workout...even when I have to super-motivate myself to get there, I am always glad I made it! Working out makes me feel great, its a great de-toxifying stress reliver! Good luck!

My suggestion about the soda would be to drink WATER insted.. i haven't drank soda in 4 years, and I can honestly say I feel better without it.

I love to read really good books and this is what worked for me. If I get a really good book, then all I want to do is read that instead of my homework. So in order to read my good book I have to go ride my stationary bike while I am doing it. Sorta like a "reward" for doing the exercise and getting 2 things done at once. And I hear you about the soda thing. I agree that water is best, but some days I just have to have the caffeine.

I have LOST weight! If I am in school I just don' t hit the vending machines except for water. My school is Mon Tues 6:50 to 12:50 and Fri 8 - 12 so I end up not eating until lunch, and eat my big meal of the day then. I usually have a light dinner. I managed to lose 6 pounds in the 6 weeks of school this way...

I guess the not eating the junk helped a LOT! And drinking water vs soda helps a lot too.

My classes are from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM M-F, and I'm in my 7th week. We started clinicals last week, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Since the start of the quarter, I've gained 8 pounds! Hopefully the clinicals will help me get some of this weight back off, but until then, I'm going to take your advice and give up the caffeine for water.


I have gained 25lbs since I started nursing school back in January 2001. 15 of those pounds have been since January of this year. I am a emotional eater and eat under stress. I USE To. Now when I am stressed out I EXERCISE. Exercise is the best remedy for stress. After I exercise I feel relieved but after I eat I feel just as worse.

I use to drink LOTS and LOTS of pop to help keep me awake and coffee but the bad thing was I was putting sugar and cream in the coffee which was making me fat. I was eating a lot of fast food.

I started Weight watchers and that is a lifesaver for me. If anyone wants to lose weight then weight watchers is the best thing out there. It is an honest weight loss program that helps teach you a healthy lifestyle not just a quick fixer like yo-yo diets.

Water is very, very good. I notice that my skin has improved and I am not quite so fatigued anymore now that I drink more water. If you are use to drinking lots of caffiene in the beginning you will feel very sluggish and may go through withdrawl but I guarantee it will be worth it.

Also exercise, The experts say that Americans should start treating exercise like they do their doctor appointments, dentist appointments and other things they write down in their calender. Block your exercise times out. Stick to it like you would an appointment. I do that now and I find it really works.

I also see my patients and my own family members with their health problems and many of the problems could have been prevented through weight control. (some couldn't) But MOST could have and I am seriously thinking, GEE I don't want to end up like that when I can do my best to prevent it.

Don't Deprive yourself though, if you deprive yourself you will more than likely lose. Weight watchers teach you that you don't need to deprive yourself to be successful and many other wonderful things.

Good luck,

I too have gained alot of extra pounds well more like heaps of extra pounds that if its not the fees, books, stationery etc that I have to fork out for it's larger clothes.

:idea: Here's my .02 :rolleyes:

If you have to drink soda make it diet, if you need food to study - munch on carrots or pretzels.

Get a tape recorder and tape yourself reading your notes into it and go for a walk, do aerobics, ride a bike, whatever... 20- 30 minutes a day is nothing and you can study while you are doing it ;)

That is my main study aid I work out to it, drive to it and cook to it. That method REALLy works for me. Give it a shot and try to make a little time for your sanity workout ;)

I love clinical days, it allows me to walk fast down the halls, so refreshing from sitting in classes !..

During the week I rotate, Diet Mt. Dew, Water and Coffee!, actually only about 2 pops a week, cause pop or soda is not a favorite.

If I don't pack a lunch I'll run to a local fast food and get a salad, baked potato, something lite.. never fries.

:rolleyes: ;) low-fat animal crackers are good too. :)

We are not allowed to leave our clinical facility for a break... so we cannot go get anything. So, our clinical instructor decided to omit the break and let us go early. At least she is fair about it!

The other day I got a burrito out of the vending machine and she did not say one word about it. I guess she figured if I was starving enought to eat that crap it was better to take 10 and eat than suffer LOL.

I LIKE my clinical instructor!

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