Pregnant and in nursing school

Nursing Students General Students


I am so stressed right now and wondering if I will even be able to finish nursing school. This pregnancy was unexpected right in the middle of school and caused me to fail a class and have to sit out for 7 weeks due to the shock of finding out and caused me to miss only one assignment (which if you dont do it on time you fail the class entirely). I think I would have passed if I would have only remembered to do that ONE thing! I'm feeling extremely ALONE. I'm having problems in my relationship which is causing me stress and I don't even WANT to be pregnant! I was going to have an abortion in the beginning because I was unsure of this relationship due to other reasons that are a whole other topic but everyone talked me out of it. He did, my mom did, my best friend did. So I decided not to do the abortion but now I'm wondering how to get through nursing school while under so much stress? I can't think straight when my relationship at home is rocky. :( How will I be able to concentrate and get through these last 8 classes???? My family lives 14 hours away, I dont have any friends that live near me, so I feel ALONE and UNSUPPORTED. Has anyone else had a similar situation? how do you get through it?? Nursing school is stressful enough in itself but I dont want to pass up this opportunity for an awesome career which I will need in order to provide for my 2 kids, especially if my relationship doesnt work out and I become a single mom again :( I never wanted to be put in those shoes ever again which is why I was so careful for 13 years! My daughter is 13 and her dad wasnt in her life much and barely pays any child support. That caused me so much resentment that I never wanted another kid ever again and here I am pregnant (and not wanting to be) and not happy with the father. :( Any words of encouragement would be appreciated. Please keep negative comments to yourself. Thank you.

All I can say is MANY women have successfully completed nursing school while pregnant and/or as single mothers. It's not easy, but your circumstances will only be harder if you don't finish. Nursing can provide a very decent salary (not "big money" as implied in many threads, but certainly okay), which is something you will need to do if you are going to be the single mother of two children.

You are not the first woman to become pregnant while in nursing school, and you won't be the last. Many people have walked in your shoes, some in even worse circumstances. Consider making time for yourself to exercise (so good for your body AND for dealing with stress) and to have a few "me moments," if only for 10 or 15 minutes after your first child has gone to bed.

You CAN do this. You'll just have to take care of yourself, stop agonizing over something you cannot change, see this for the temporary situation it is, and just "git 'er done."

I have been there, 12 years ago. I knew my limitations, and I chose to have an abortion. (no regrets) While many people tried to talk me out if it, I had to stand my ground.

*I* know that I would not have been able to do it, and I feel that everyone knows their limits.

Do what is right for you :) unplanned and unwantes pregnancies are never easy, but you always have a choice. Feel free to msg me if you would like. :)

í ½í²›

Hi Violet,

I dont blame you for getting an abortion and I wouldnt regret it either. I was thinking of doing the same thing.

I'm just afraid of feeling big and uncomfortable while taking the class. I already feel that way now and get exhausted and in pain easily and need rest often and I'm only 23 weeks. When the class starts, I will be 33 weeks in my 3rd trimester (the time that a lot of women start to take their maternity leave). and the class won't end until I am 39 weeks along. I picture myself going into labor while taking the final exam!!! It just seems uncomfortable. And I'm worried about feeling that way during clinical day each week from 7am to 3pm. It's just overwhelming. It'd be one thing if it was just a lecture class but the nursing class I need to take has a lecture day, a seminar day, and a full clinical day and another day of getting prepared for clinical day. It's just seems like too much for me to lug around this big stomach and do ALL that!!!

I'm just afraid of feeling big and uncomfortable while taking the class. I already feel that way now and get exhausted and in pain easily and need rest often and I'm only 23 weeks. When the class starts, I will be 33 weeks in my 3rd trimester (the time that a lot of women start to take their maternity leave). and the class won't end until I am 39 weeks along. I picture myself going into labor while taking the final exam!!! It just seems uncomfortable. And I'm worried about feeling that way during clinical day each week from 7am to 3pm. It's just overwhelming. It'd be one thing if it was just a lecture class but the nursing class I need to take has a lecture day, a seminar day, and a full clinical day and another day of getting prepared for clinical day. It's just seems like too much for me to lug around this big stomach and do ALL that!!!

As Horseshoe said above, there are lots of women that have been pregnant and still finished nursing school. I've seen nurses working on the floor when pregnant. It's not easy, but, of course, it can be done! The other option would be to contact your school and see if you can sit out this semester. I would try talking to your school and see if they can work with you to either postpone your schooling or find out if there are any ways they can support you during the semester.

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