I have to be bathed by my classmate???

Nursing Students General Students


:imbar Ok call me old fashioned but I am kind of concerned. I had my nursing orientation today, and I was informed that as part of one of my practical nursing classes I will have to be sponge bathed by one of my classmates and in turn need to sponge bathe a classmate. Ok fine. No worries. HOWEVER, the next breath was, you will have to strip down to your underwear only and your classmate will drape you and sponge bathe you and vice versa. I understand that as a nurse I will give sponge baths to patients and I have no problem with that. But one of my classmates that I am going to spend hours and hours with for the next 2 years bathing me is a whole other story! True, like the instructor said it lets you know first hand how the patient will feel while you are abthing them, so you will want to treat them with dignity but being an overweight gal I am uncomfortable with this because I will have to look at these classmates for the next 2 years. Did anyone else ever do this as part of their curriculum? I don't mean to freak out but I never heard of this. They can stick me with all the needles they want for practice, but bathe the mannequins...lol :uhoh3:

Specializes in Adult SICU; open heart recovery.

I think that is totally inappropriate and definitely crosses the line. I had a hard enough time in Health Assessment letting my (female) partner palpate my big, fat, flabby abdomen. I suspect this tradition may be from the teachers' school of thought "we had to do it, so they should too." I think in this day and age it's crazy that schools try to get away with this. I could see the potential for a big lawsuit if a student was dismissed for not being willing to be bathed by a classmate! Also, I think being bathed by a total stranger that I'd never have to see again isn't as bad as being bathed by someone I'd have to face for another 2 years. It's great to recognize how awkward patients may feel, but I really think what you're being asked to do is worse than what patients go through. Also, there are countless situations in which we need to use empathy, without necessarily having had the experience firsthand. What's important is being able to imagine how the patient might be feeling, not that you've had the experience yourself. Frankly, is it really that hard to bathe patients? Isn't that one of the many skills that you'll learn from real hands-on (with patients) experience?

I would absolutely fight this. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your privacy because you want to learn how to be a nurse. I think they're way out of line. Good luck to you!


:imbar Ok call me old fashioned but I am kind of concerned. I had my nursing orientation today, and I was informed that as part of one of my practical nursing classes I will have to be sponge bathed by one of my classmates and in turn need to sponge bathe a classmate. Ok fine. No worries. HOWEVER, the next breath was, you will have to strip down to your underwear only and your classmate will drape you and sponge bathe you and vice versa. I understand that as a nurse I will give sponge baths to patients and I have no problem with that. But one of my classmates that I am going to spend hours and hours with for the next 2 years bathing me is a whole other story! True, like the instructor said it lets you know first hand how the patient will feel while you are abthing them, so you will want to treat them with dignity but being an overweight gal I am uncomfortable with this because I will have to look at these classmates for the next 2 years. Did anyone else ever do this as part of their curriculum? I don't mean to freak out but I never heard of this. They can stick me with all the needles they want for practice, but bathe the mannequins...lol :uhoh3:

I hope stripping down to underwear to be given a sponge bath or be examined does not happen when I start school. I will feel totally violated. I have had enough surgery and hospital staff poking around my almost naked body enough before surgery...I don't want to deal with this in nursing school. Uuugh.

Specializes in NICU- now learning OR!.

>They can stick me with all the needles they want for practice, but bathe >the mannequins...lol

At my school we could not practice injections or finger sticks on each other - safety reasons, etc....

We did have to bathe each other and pretend to put each other on a bedpan. We did not have to strip down to our underwear for the bathing but were encouraged to wear a bathing suit or shorts and a tank top. I wore the shorts and tank top....it was fine. You will not be doing peri care or anything like that.....you can run a damp sponge down someones arm, cant' you???


We also had to do a physical assessment "check off" and run through various assessments techniques on another classmate......PERRLA....Neuro checks......abdominal assessment.....heart sounds and locations (ape to man!!!)

In all scenarios.....the "patient" is properly draped for modesty, and the curtain drawn as well.....

I COMPLETELY freaked out about the thought of bathing another human being..but it really wasn't that bad. I *did* have one elderly gentleman with Alzheimers who was really embarrassed, and did not want me to check his brief (he had retention, and increased dementia..we were worried about UTI...I HAD to check!) Having already been that embarrased "patient" in the Lab really helped me to identify with his embarrasment...

and yes, I had a male Lab partner as well...(the whole time he said he expected me to smack him! LOL! :rotfl: :rotfl: )


ADN Grad Dec. 2005

Specializes in Telemetry, Stepdown.

We had to bathe each other also, but we were allowed to only wear t-shirt and shorts.

OMG that is stupid!

I think that this is inappropriate and further more I wonder how much of a liability it would be for the school (if one person decided to act inappropriately). Liability is another reason why a lot of schools do not allow students to perform shots, venipuncture, and ivs on each other. I would assume that you would have to sign a waiver and if not they would have to provide another option for those who did not wish to participate. IMHO there are better ways to understand an issue of patient vulnerability than having to be bathed in your underwear by a classmate.

Sorry to say but welcome to nursing school. We had to do it to. We also had to give each other I.M. injections in our rear. Oddly, not one person in our class refused, so I'm not sure how that would have gone over. I am sure if you talked to the instructor she would allow you to wear a bathing suit. We were all just so afraid of our instructors the first semester that no one said anything. Hopefully she is an understanding person and will allow you guys to wear something. I think the first semester of nursing school, the instructors try to intimidate the students into being a bunch of sheep. Crazy.

I think that this is inappropriate and further more I wonder how much of a liability it would be for the school (if one person decided to act inappropriately). Liability is another reason why a lot of schools do not allow students to perform shots, venipuncture, and ivs on each other. I would assume that you would have to sign a waiver and if not they would have to provide another option for those who did not wish to participate. IMHO there are better ways to understand an issue of patient vulnerability than having to be bathed in your underwear by a classmate.

LoL if you act inappropriatley then you would get the big ol boot.

Privacy is maintained and no one does peri care so it really isnt a biggy if you have shorts and a tank, or a bathing suit. Of course no one can force you to do anything but fighting it just puts a huge target on your head. Sure you can b*tch moan and kick your feet, but I wouldnt. Its been done a long time and its not like ou have to show your privates. Besides your partner feels awkward about it too. But, it does teach you and you do get a back rub. And you feel what patients feel, only you dont have to show your "stuff" as they do. I just wouldnt pick a partner who had a great physical shape and you didnt. hehe I would pick someone whom I could feel more comfortable with.

Specializes in Cath Lab, OR, CPHN/SN, ER.

Ummm...what are you going to do if you're ever the patient that needs a bath? It's a great way for you to experience what your patient does. When we did it, we were instructed to wear shorts and a sleeveless shirt. I disagree with stripping to underwear, but I am for bathing each other. We also fed each other, which was a hoot. We had to pretend we were blind, eyes closed while a partner fed us. Again, great way to experience what your patient does. We did fingersticks on ourselves, if we wanted to. Most didn't. The reason schools don't let you do it on each other is due to the HIV/HBV risks. In my EMT class last summer though, we did start IV's on each other, but in nursing school we had manequins. For those of you concerned about your classmates seeing your flab...deal with it! By the end of it, you're like family. I'm halfway through it, and we're already like family. Again, what will you do if you're the patient??? -Andrea

Thankfully they wont let you practice or make pin cushions out of each other.

HIV/hep A-Z stopped that.

Not so. We practice IV therapy on each other.

Way back when we didn't have to give a bath. But...we did have to do a complete linen change with your partner in complete uniform.

Back then it would not have been an option to strip in school, not even to remove stockings!

Talk about a pain trying to change a bed with someone completely dressed and trying to keep that uniform down!

When we completed the change, our intructor came round to see if it was tight.

After we changed the bed with our partner in it, we had to change it again, empty. This time the instructor came round and expected to bounce a coin on it! If no bounce, make it again.....

We had to "bathe" each other also. We could wear tank top and shorts.

The smart thing to do would be to not rock the boat and rebel, but just go with what your instructor says. If you put a target on your head this early in your nursing school career....you are screwed! I have seen other students complain to try and change things that weren't major (like bathing) and all that happened was a negative attitude towards those students and a label of "troublemaker". Nursing school is like boot camp. Just play the game and pass. Don't cause yourself more undue and unnecessary stress. You will get your fair share of stress during clinicals, studying, and taking tests.

We all had to go through this. It really isn't that bad. No peri care is given and just the legs and arms are exposed. Pick your battles wisely. :)

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