How many of us are over 35?

Nursing Students General Students


Just curious:p I will be 40 on Wed. I've got 2 kids, 10 and 6. I am still doing my pre-req's. I know I can do this,but would love to hear from some more grey hairs, hee hee:D By the way, my names Heather and I'm fairly new to the site.

Boy, I wish I'da known about this board when I was in nursing school--

I'm 49, graduated in 2000, and have 1 (very helpful) child at home. My husband waited on me hand and foot. I went to school and, to get tuition reimbursement, I worked fulltime.

Graduated 0.002 from the honor roll.

Thanks Hubby!!! just doesn't cut it, but my hubby is THE BEST!! A+++ in foot massage! kept my car running (somehow!) and kept the dust mites at bay.

Best of luck to all of you! We need you!!

Hey Heather, I will be 36 this March dont let your age discourage you from becoming what you really want to be. I have 2 children one is 2 yrs the other 7 mo. The good thing is that I have an understanding wife that supports me while in nursing school. The only draw backs I am experiencing is that I dont have much time to spend with the kids and my level of energy is usually low. Hang in there and dont give up.

I'm trying to set up SNOT but then it's lost somewhere and I can't bring it back up. I will try again! Heather

P.S. Welcome Agnus, sleepyeyes and gabekgc! It's a great place for support

PPS: Hey Agnus, I'm in need of a weave myself :)

:eek: ok, everyone, yahoo has gotten rid of clubs (which you could make a chat room through) and now they have groups:( anywho, I set up a group for us. SNOT was already being used, I found that funny, so I set up a group SNOTF (student nurses over thirty-five):D Within the group we will be able to chat any 'ole time. If you're not part of yahoo, I think you have to sign up. Anyway, it said it takes 48 hours before we can use it, so we'll have to give it a try Saturday, March 2. How about 9am Pacific time?:rolleyes: Let's give it a try guys and gals!:roll :p Heather;) Geeps, I almost forgot the address! :imbar phew!

Sounds good to me Heather!! Will pop in on Saturday at the appointed time and place!! See ya!!

Anita :)

48, just finishing prereqs (4.0), hope to start nursing school in fall, married, no kids

Specializes in cardiac, diabetes, OB/GYN.

Ok, I am not technically a student, but it feels like it with all the ceu programs you have to study for to STAY a nurse. I am also new to the site and at 44 ( will be 45 in June), have one in college, one in preschool, 2 in diapers and cover my grey.. I hope you'll count me in with the oldies group, as I am relearning not only nursing, but toddlerhood. Mine are 19 soon to be 20, just turned 4, just turned 3 and 18 months AND I am a labor and delivery nurse.....Who knew????

:eek: Good to have you Greg and baby/motherRN (what's your name? It might be shorter), it's great to hear from more people in our golden years, hee hee:p Anyway, hope you'll visit on the chat Sat. 9am Pacific time on address listed on my other post above:rolleyes: . I am particularly interested in mother/baby nursing myself, but am still years away. Are there jobs to be found in that area b/mRN? Please feel free to e-me. Although, you've really :chuckle got your hands full! You take your work home eh? Nice to meet you. Heather

I was feeling great about starting nursing in my forties - with these supportive comments posted above - but then read the posts in "nurses over 50 with health issues..." Any help resolving these disparate points of view?

I am 39 with two kids 6 and 11 and a very hard working and supportive wife. I will be 42 when a graduate (BSN) I'll turn 43 about a week after I graduate, but I like the sound of 42 better. I am still in pre-req courses so I haven't met the entire class that I will graduate with, but as it stands now I am the oldest by ten years and the only male in my class level. I am very encouraged by the posts in this thread. I keep expecting to run in to some crusty old veteran nurse who will say: "you're going to become a nurse in your forties, what are you crazy?" but it hasn't happened yet.

I'm 43, one 13 year old girl and a very supportive wife who encourages me and offers great support.Also takes our daughter out to give me study time alone... How ever my daughter does not follow my example.....mega stress with her study LOL

good luck from another grey hair

Specializes in med-surg.

I'm 46 and 10 weeks to my RN can do it, hang in there (and remember how bad ya want it!) By the way, I'm a GRANDMA of a 5 year old

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