Am I an ogre? Or is it just me?

Nursing Students General Students


Alright, after several months of posting here in relative peace, I am now about to have people angry with me. I can feel it coming on....

Is it just me, or are all of these "help me!!" threads really getting on people's nerves? We have so many expert, helpful people here, and I think it's wonderful that everyone is so open and willing to share. And I do think it's appropriate to answer questions as to whether or not someone should enter the nursing field.

But all of these threads where people want them to do their work for them are just really irking me lately!! When the poster wants someone to do the leg work for them, AND THEN POSTS IT IN 8 DIFFERENT FORUMS, is a bit much in my book. And don't give me this "I don't have a creative bone in my body" crap. If you're going to be a nurse, you'd better find out how to be creative, or care delivery is going to be rough. "Please give me an idea for a presentation!" "Please tell me some nursing diagnoses for my care plan." "How do you do a cardiac assessment?" (That one really got me.)

The internet is a fabulous tool (that wasn't in use much when I graduated, and no, this rant is not just because I'm bitter), and this bulletin board is a fantastic forum for sharing. But give me a break. It's great to bounce ideas off one another, but trying to get someone to just do your work for you is taking it a bit too far.

Ok, clearly I need help. This is a Dayray-length post!! Thanks for letting me vent, and I'm ready for whatever wrath may come my way.

I just wanted to say and I know that I might sound ignorant for this one, I didn't know about the search engine on this site until maybe after 10 or more post. But as soon as I learned about it I would look up any info needed before I posted a thread. So that's why I'm not harsh when newcomers ask questions like: does anyone know a good Microbiology site? or where can you get textbooks that are cheap?

The next thing is that some people just come for a few days so when they finally come back they don't know if certain things were already asked or posted. Since I started visiting this site the longest I've been away was probably 5 days (because of exams). I might not post but I always browse and read certain threads just to keep myself updated.

I know it;s annoying when we ask questions but please be patient with Because no matter how many of these venting threads are posted there's always gonna be the newbie that will come with the same questions. Not to answer is the only good suggestion I can come up with.

I love this site because I learn alot specially when my questions are answered. And we love them more coming from you guys because you guys have the knowledge that we are striving for.

I am a student, and I get your point. Yes, many of the posts are repetitive, and some of them do ask unbelievable things.

But please remember that most of the students here can read, we certainly know how to use a book, we are creative and we work really hard, we just don't post silly questions w/o trying to answer them on our own. We're out here, I swear we are!!

Just sticking up for the literate students ;)

Specializes in IMCU.

i have a question--could you tell me how to do med calculations?? haha just joking i am a first semester student and i like being able to get advice from someone whos already been through what im about to face--but i do beleive in doing my own work although i have asked for help and advice on here--i sure didnt know it buggged so many of you but it is nice to know there are so many of you that like to help--ive had my nose in my books since i got them--and all i can say after the first week is WOW!! when im a 2nd or 3rd semester student --i will be happy to help someone thats in my shoes right now--i agree with you though i wont do their work for them--have a great semester everyon

I am a student and just doing general ed and pre-reqs right now but I would not ever think of asking questions at this bb before researching it myself prior to the post. I know that you are going to get some that will and are doing this but my opinion is to just skip over the post and do not reply. With this amount of posters in one place, you are bound to have this happen. Maybe if they read this post, they will think twice before doing it... It certainly makes me think twice about what questions I will post to the board...

Don't let it put your panties in a wad....... :coollook:


Specializes in critical care, med/surg.

This post was initially on a different area of the board but I asked if we could get a copy of it here........I thought it would be useful for all of us.

Originally posted by Loubell RN 2B

Maybe if they read this post, they will think twice before doing it...

Cool. A little enlightenment is always a good thing. :D

And I have far bigger issues in life to wad my panties over, so I won't be needing your suggestion.


I did ask for opinions on a class assignment,but also stated that i had several ideas and just wanted opinions. it was posted in student nursing forum.I got some helpful ideas about sites to search and did get my topic off an ethics in nursing forum.But,all the research and compiling is on me.

Geesh.. I did ask for hints on diagnoses after spending 5hours in my Carpenito book.. I already had 3 done, but just needed a lil nudge for that one other.... Trust me, I can do my own work... and I do... And I don't want anyone to GIVE me the answers, all I asked for was a lil help.. And yes most people did that.. But you occasionally get the "open your book" response.. If you are gonna be like that then don't bother responding...

It will definately make me think twice before asking for "assistance" again...

Some of the students are being a little oversensitive about this.

If you can honestly rationalize in your head that you did all of "the work" yourself, then you probably did. Most of the people that we're really talking about probably won't even post in this thread. And the ask-a-nurse people probably don't even remember this site.

But you occasionally get the "open your book" response.. If you are gonna be like that then don't bother responding...

I think that these types of questions are best suited for the Student's Forum. As a way to bounce ideas off each other. But when I see "I have a Question" in General Nursing, I'm gonna open it because it could be related to any number of things. And believe me, if I take the time to open it and discern what it is, then you can bet your tuition that I am gonna "bother responding."

Some people don't like feeling taken advantage of. And the fact is, that's what happens when we are inundated with these types of questions. When you post something here, it's open for everyone. You may not always get the responses you'd like. You have to be prepared for that.


Originally posted by canoehead

Hey, if the answer to their question is " go to google and search on the term you just asked me about" they obviously don't deserve an answer. But otherwise inquiring minds are why this BB is so successful.

Best reply yet!!!!

originally posted by telenurse_02

can i say something from the "student" side of the fence? since i've been coming to this site, i've asked one question about a clinical project, which i posted in the appropriate area (ob-gyn). i can not speak for others, but being a cardiac nurse, i was just trying to get some ideas of what ob nurses would find as an interesting topic for this project. some of the return postings i got were things like "try" and "there are wonderful search engines to use".........i was not trying to find someone to do my work for me, just some good ideas that would make my report something that would be interesting to learn about, and interesting for my classmates to learn about. i can say that for myself, i do not want or expect anyone do to my work for me. i thought that such a diverse group of nurses could bounce back some ideas for me........i'm not sure about how other students are posting these threads, but i'm sorry if i offended anyone by asking for some "ideas".

lol, i learned a long time ago to stay away from other boards since it is obvious by my screen name i am a student.

i don't think i've ever asked any "basic info" questions, as a matter of fact i am a paid tutor for the first level students in my program. i think one of the problems is that many people don't know how to use their computers. heck, i had mine for over a year before i ever "found out" about message boards, i thought people just did the "chat thing" with strangers.

originally posted by smilingblueyes

its tough on both sides, really.:kiss

can i get an amen

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