would like your opinions on this one

Nurses General Nursing


HI..Listen to this one..Setting..LTC..25 PTS...supposed Muliple Sclerosis Adult floor...some pts true to format..others just there for various reasons....Very needy demanding group..An older pt ..60 yr old white female..private pay ..diabetic..one assist..does alot herself asks if I'm married..No I'm not. Asks if I have any children living with me..Yes I do.. a 13 yr old daughter..Did I have any pets..Yes..I have a Pug and A older cat...She then proceeds to "OFFER" me a wonderful opportunity for employment..She would like me to accompany her to Florida.. Her brother also lives in the house but will not help her with any care...There is also a husband somewhere in the picture..and a son and a grandson....they seem to live here in Ohio and spend alot of time in Florida at the house too..But none of these people can help her..She offers me a small bedroom..to share with my daughter..It has a double bed in it and she thinks it might have room for 2 twin beds ...but I would have to buy those if I wanted them..and comes with a shower and toilet ..no tub..That would be OUR room..She would provide the food and pay the utilities(Thats got to be done already since the brother lives there permantly)The family room is sort of the brothers computer room..he has 4 set up in there..But we could swim in the pool..that the cats have been using as a drinking bowl since her brother won't give them water..I could cook meals for all of us...breakfast lunch and dinner..but she likes to eat at the CHINESE Buffet once a week and she would pay for my daughter and me when we went to that!!!..all you can eat for $8.95.She would like to do some traveling and it would't be too hard for me to get her in and out of the van into her power wheelchair...She is continent but req.Freq Potty breaks..like Q1 hr at the facility now... She could pay me a small monthly STIPEND but not too much since she was providing room and board for my daughter and myself..so I could go work a few evenings at a nearby hospital for extra money and some health insurance..as long as my daughter was there to cook and help her..Oh and if she were to die I could still live there for a month or so until I found something else..Oh Boy!!She's been spending about 4 thousand a month on the LTC private pay..and any assisted living would be as much since she is not independent..can piviot from chair to bed with assist..needs help with insulin ect..A set up something like a 24 hour on call on demand servant plus medical needs to be met with some crappy food and less than minimum wage..plus still having to work a second job for any spending money..to meet my bills..Oh and the son told me I'd absolutely have to drive my vehicle down so I'd have something to drive because they freq.use the van..but I could follow them down so I could find the way..oh and I should be ready to go in a week or so....I HOPE THIS IS SOME WIERD FAMILY AND NOT SOME NEW PERCEPTION OF HOW LITTLE NURSES ARE VALUED.....This is even worse than managements perception of staff...WELL........WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK OF MY EXCITING LITTLE EMPLOYMENT OFFER?????/COLOR]

RUN do not walk. As fast as you can!!

Specializes in CV-ICU.

I had an similar offer back 30 years ago when I was in Home Health, only the elderly lady WAS compliant, poor, just wanted to travel and liked me. And she'd had a slight stroke and was mostly independant. I said no, and have never regreted it. I would HATE to do this type of work for a lovely, likeable elderly patient/friend; and it would be even worse for a non-compliant self-centered person. I value my license too much to risk it or cheapen it like that.

Oh my goodness! sounds like something I got offered this summer when I was between jobs... A friend of a friend sits with this elderly man 7 days a week, 12-16 hours a day. Gets fairly decent pay, but not allowed to go anywhere or do anything all day long except be there. Friend asks me if I'd like the job. Uhhh.... no. I kinda have to go to school and besides I'm not slave labor. Run away as fast as possible Mopsi

Hmmm.... I kind of fell into a scam like that once. Am elderly gentleman offerede me $200 a week to come over to his house, get him up and wash him , fix him breakfast, then go back later on (about 8pm) to get him ready for bed. Ok... good deal, I thought. I could earn some extra monry, and it wasn't going to take too much time.


Almost as soon as I started, he started griping. I'd have to wait, because he didn't feel like getting up just yet...

He didn't want what I fixed for breakfast...

He wanted me to stay and visit, knowing I had to be somewhere else...

He would gripe when I had to come over earlier than he wanted...

He finally told me that he was paying me good money and I could be there when he wanted something, or I could find a new job...

I had a new one that day.

Won't ever go through that again!!!


Have you heard of the word TRIFLING? That is the first thing come to mind about her brother. Sounds like a servant job than a nursing one. I would have told her to stick it where the sun don't shine.

I have done home health, for the most part it is okay. I remember when I had to interview with a female with mulitple schlerosis (sp) and I was asking some basic questions and she started getting nasty and I told her never mind! I am not going to take any abuse from a patient when I know I don't have to. My agency didn't warn me about it and I told them that nurse doesn't spell fool!

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

This woman wants a slave not a nurse. So, very politely, tel her no thank you.


You know the old saying: "If it's too good to be true........"

People can say all kinds of things to your face, on your own turf, - for THEIR benefit - then when you show up it turns out to be everything but!

She's obviously trying to buy your "services" and companionship.

If that's what she's looking for there are a gazillion agencies around that provide just that........maybe she has already gone through all of them and burned her bridges finally!

How sad to be a human being, reach the end of your life (or wherever she's at), and no one wants you anymore. We see that all too often in our profession.

I might consider packing my suitcases, taking my 14 yr. old daughter and following that lady to Florida, but I'd take the first "exit" I see to DISNEYWORLD and have a wonderful time!

Have a good day Mopsi!

Bonnie C

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