Graduate Nurses vs. Experienced Nurses

Nurses General Nursing


just a little humor, dont take it seriously!! im a gn and found it funny, even if it all isnt true. (for either sides)

a graduate nurse throws up when the patient does.

an experienced nurse calls housekeeping when a pt throws up.

a gn wears so many pins on thier name badge you cant read it.

an experienced nurse doesn't wear a name badge for liability reasons.

a gn charts too much.

an experienced nurse doesnt chart enough.

a gn loves to run to codes.

an experienced nurse makes graduate nurses run to codes.

a gn wants everyone to know they are a nurse.

an experienced nurse dones't want anyone to know they are a nurse.

a gn keeps detailed notes on a pad.

an en writes it on the back of thier hand, paper scraps, napkins, etc.

a gn will spend all day trying to reorient a patient.

an en will chart the patient is disoriented and restrain them.

a gn can hear a beeping i-med at 50 yards.

an en cant hear any alarms at any distance.

a gn loves to hear abnormal heart and breath sounds.

an en doesnt want to know about them unless the patient is symptomatic.

a gn spends 2 hours giving a patient a bath.

an en lets the cna give the pt a bath.

a gn thinks people respect nurses.

an en knows everybofy blames everything on the nurse.

a gn looks for blood on a bandage hoping they will get to change it.

an en nurse knows a little blood never hurt anybody.

a gn looks for a chance "to work with the family".

an en avoids the family.

a gn expects meds and supplied to be delivered on time.

an en expects them to never be delievered at all.

a gn will spend days bladder training a incontinent pt.

an en will insert a foley catheter.

a gn always answers their phone.

an en nurse checks thier caller id before answering the phone.

an gn thinks psych pts are interesting.

an en thinks psych pts are crazy.

a gn carries reference books in thier bag.

an en carries magazines, lunch, and some "cough syrup" in thier bag.

a gn doesnt find this funny.

an en does.

I read this this morning and thought it was a hoot, then I thought the poor poster would get slaughtered since there seems to be a number of posters here who are humorless sometimes about nurses and what we do. Good lord, the post on taking out the trash has taken on a life of its own! :rotfl:

Thanks for posting this, read it and laugh.

I read this this morning and thought it was a hoot, then I thought the poor poster would get slaughtered since there seems to be a number of posters here who are humorless sometimes about nurses and what we do. Good lord, the post on taking out the trash has taken on a life of its own! :rotfl:

Thanks for posting this, read it and laugh.

Ok, so according to the above, after less than one month, I have all the characteristics of an EN!

Ok, so according to the above, after less than one month, I have all the characteristics of an EN!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

rofl....good one.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

rofl....good one.

After 4 years I like to think I am still new...ok maybe I am a bit more "experienced" than I thought!:)

After 4 years I like to think I am still new...ok maybe I am a bit more "experienced" than I thought!:)

That was great, I am a still a Student Nurse and I can't wait for the day I am a GN......

thanks for the laugh!!! :roll

That was great, I am a still a Student Nurse and I can't wait for the day I am a GN......

thanks for the laugh!!! :roll

LOL.. :) Very Cute

LOL.. :) Very Cute

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