Cutting the umbilical cord with the hospital?

Nurses General Nursing


The unit on which I am currently working PRN (usually every other weekend) is rapidly tanking. They are down to TWO regular staff nurses on day shift (both of whom were and are useless independent of this, but that's another thread.) They should have about 7; evenings isn't in much better shape, and nights is soon due to lose its strongest and oldest nurse - the rock of the shift and the most knowledgable person on the unit.

It's to the point that when I go in, I am working with exclusively float staff, following people I don't know and reporting off to folks I don't know. Don't get me wrong - I'm thrilled to have them and they are ALWAYS dolls, but there is NO continuity of staff or care. It's also getting scary that I always charge whenever I'm there; unless there is a frequent flier I am familiar with, all the patients are new to me every time I work. Always remain professional, but it's to the point where I just hate going in.

I guess I'm just feeling (what - guilty?) about quitting entirely. I don't think there is any hope for this unit to get back on its feet and I hate that. I feel like just another rat deserting the sinking ship. Almost keep hoping that I go in one day to a completely intolerable staffing situation and refuse the assignment and feel ok about just quitting.

I love my regular full time job; we don't need the money, and I've been hanging on at the hospital for the notion that I don't want to "lose my skills." The only skill I seem to be cultivating is being frustrated (getting pretty good at that ;).

Whine/rant over.

Unless you want to hang in and be part of the 'rebuilding effort' (and get royally dumped on in the process) *snip* is the way to go.

Originally posted by bagladyrn

What happens to the rats that don't desert the ship? They drown! Get out while you can.

Great advice, BagladyRN.

I have worked in a couple of real Hell-holes in the past, and was determined to stick it out-

What happened? I nearly drowned!

Now, I have learned to bolt before my feet even get wet.

The book "Who Moved My Cheese?" really helped me get a good perspective on these types of situations and validated my decisions.

Specializes in Geriatrics/Oncology/Psych/College Health.

Excellent advice, folks :).

Rough weekend patient-wise. Lots of personality disorders who all seemed to think I was their provate duty nurse lol. What pushed me over the edge, tho, was when I saw the guy who does the time cards today, and asked him about some accumulated PTO time I've been trying to get paid for (we're supposed to just be able to write how many hours we want on the card and it just gets added on.) Have tried a couple of times and it's not getting processed. He alleges the UM is blocking it when the time cards get to her "because her (my) PRN status doesn't allow her to claim PTO." Bullhockey - told him he needed to let it be known I get my money THIS CHECK or I'm gone. And since I'm PRN, I don't have to give notice even tho I'm on the schedule.


Either way, I'm outta there - if I get my money this check, they'll actually get 30 days notice.

Great advice, all :).

I have seen this happen before when a unit was trying to do more with less or the unit was going to close down. I worked on a psych unit that closed and before it closed it used travelors and did not hire any new staff. I came to work one day and they said this unit is closed. I had to take a position they said or be termenated but would not get unemployment because they offered me a position but not a position of my chosing. They said apply with other managers, but none of the other nurses that did that were taken by another manager. It was reallly a very unfair deal so I would say look out and leave while you can because it gets worse.

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