Can I vent please?

Nurses General Nursing


I just started my new nursing job, Im a new grad and it's my 4th day on the floor. I work on a med-surg unit, that also has an oncolgy/metabolic wing. I had clinicals on the floor and I thought I would gain experience. So far the only conclusion Ive come to, is that I will gain alot of experience, but I'll go nuts in the process. My orientation is only 6 weeks, and after that they just cut the cord and watch the results. My preceptors so far have all been great, but as far as the other nurses and CT's, there isnt any teamwork, and some are very clicky. Today was insane, 6 patients, discharges, admissions, it was crazy. I felt like I knew nothing! Somehow 6 weeks doesnt seem like enough time, and if you arent in nursing, or a new grad, no one understands that feeling of helplessness, and that space we're youre not a student, but not yet a nurse. But Im sorry to vent :) Im really not a mental case, but if anyone has any tips, please share :roll

I think everyone is scared out of their mind for the first few weeks or months of their nursing career. My first day on the med/surg floor made me realize that nursing school barely scratched the surface of what I was in for. I was nervous and frazzled and all of those lovely first day feelings, but you'll get a little more comfortable with your surroundings as each day passes. The people that seem clicky now might just not know how to approach new people and start a conversation with you. I had a couple of co-workers like that, so I approached them first, asked them questions about the job to break the ice. If they still give you the brush off, then you know who you need to watch out for.

I was given 6 weeks of orientation and was fairly comfortable with it, but not totally, so I asked my nurse manager for 2 more weeks and she was more than happy to give me the extra time. She said she was glad I spoke up and said something rather than trying to wing it and fail.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do just fine. Just remember when things get hectic: You are one person and can only be so many places at once. Prioritize, do the most important things first and work your way from there.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

On our floor if the nurses aren't ready to go out on their own, we know it by then and give them more orientation. Or after a few days if we realize they aren't ready, we put them back on orientation. But sooner or later, you do have to cut that cord and fly. But don't sink, ask for help, express you needs if you feel you need more orientation.

Also, glad to hear you feel you don't know much. Much of what you learn about nursing is not learned in nursing school, it's on the job.

You're doing great and you will be great. Be a team player and rise above even if no one else works as a team.

Good luck!

Hang in there!!!:confused: You will learn so much in the first year at times you'll feel like your head will explode. I think that is one of the greatest things about nursing as a career -- there is always something new to learn! I've been a nurse for almost 10 years now and happily learn and seek new knowledge all the time. If you feel you need more orientation after 6 weeks, by all means talk with your nurse manager - patient and nurse safety should be their primary concern! GOODLUCK :)

Believe me 6 weeks is a good oreintation time. I think the others are right you will probably get more time than that if you need it. My advise for what it is worth is keep your chin up and stick with it. Give yourself a chance the experience you will recieve will be worth it. I wish the hospital had been the route I had taken first. You'll be great just the fact that you are worried means you will be cautious and observant. I wish you all the best.

Since it's only your 4th day on the floor, give it some more time. You might feel better at the end of the 5th or 6th week. 6 weeks is a good orientation time, but if you need more or even less, don't be afraid to express your opinion. When I first joined my critical care unit, they wanted to cut me loose early because they said I was more than ready, but I asked for an extra week of orientation. It just so happen that the last week, they let me go, but I was able to have a resource person close by if I needed one. Maybe you could ask for this in your case. Also, make friends with the other nurses. It's the best way to have a good working environment, then you won't feel subordinate when you ask somebody a question.

Specializes in MS Home Health.

REality shock. I remember it. As a new grad I started on a hem/onc/bmt unit with 6 weeks preceptorship. the bone marrow transplant patients were very acutely ill, CVP lines, central lines, lots of blood, chem and dopamine drips. I asked for 2 more weeks and got it then went to 3 to 11 charge. Wow I was nervous but did fine. I am sure you will too.


Try not to worry yourself too much. I have been qualified for about 3 1/2 years and remember my first days as a qualified nurse. It is well known that the first 6 months as a qualified nurse are very stressful, jumping-smiley-011.gif but you WILL learn more than you ever learnt in the whole of your nurse training.

Just remember:

*Acknowledge your own limitations

*Ask if unsure (reasonable collegues will understand you can't know everything)

*DO ensure you express any anxieties or stresses you have and talk to people who you feel will understand. (esp us lot here on!)

*Don't let people fob you off

*You're not alone, nor are you the first or the last who will or has felt stressed in their first days.

*You WILL make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. You are human!

Good luck!gruppe.gif

Thank you all! Nursing school did not do justice to what will go on here in the 'real world' This floor has so much to learn, between the cancer patients and protocols, its a wonder I havent ripped my hair out. Im trusting you all that it will get better and if it doesnt, look out, cause ill talk names! :)

Specializes in ER.

If you weren't overwhelmed on your 4th day you'd have spent those 4 days hiding under the desk. Feel proud that you have taken on a difficult goal and keep moving forward. I predict that at the end of 6 weeks when you know your coworkers better you'll feel more support, and confidence in your team. Good luck.

Hey!! I know EXACTLY how you feel. This is my second day as an RN on an ortho-neuro unit. My orientation is kind of different, I guess. I was hired into OB, but the hospital wants all new grads to be able to have some med-surg experience before going into specialties. So, I have two weeks in ortho-neuro, two weeks in med-surg and 8 weeks in OB for my orientation. Today, I worked with a full load (4-6 here, but I had four). I work with a preceptor, so that was very nice. I was running around like mad trying to control pain, get residuals, keep my demented patients from doing things they aren't supposed to do...hectic. I didn't get out of there until 1645, and normally I get out at 1545. I feel absolutely terrible for falling so far behind. Tomorrow I get the same four, and then two new ones. But, I do think my orientation program is great. Nursing school was pretty limiting, in retrospect, cause I have crash landed into the real world of nursing. (But, I have to admit, I love it so far. I love being super busy.)

You know, don't be afraid to tell the powers that be that you feel you need a longer orientation. You have to be your own advocate and med surg is hard.

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