Belly Piercing/Tattoo

Nurses General Nursing


I have a 14-year-old travelling through the minefield called adolescence. She wants her belly button pierced (absolutely not) and a tattoo (absolutely not). But just FMI - has anyone seen or had experience with health problems associated with belly botton piercing? Also, has anyone ever heard of a "six-month tattoo?"

Specializes in Hospice/Homehealth/Homecare.

As I mentioned earlier, I have several tattoos and totally agree that if someone came in to interview with me for a job that tattoos and piercings would have to be concealed. I have a pretty crazy personal life but once I walk into my office, I become a professional and a (hopefully) respected member of a practice. My appearance is often the first impression that new patients get of our practice. And, let's face it, many people still have a preconceived notion of the type of person who gets tattooed and pierced. DON'T MISUNDERSTAND, I DON'T AGREE WITH THIS NOTION, but it exists. People also have a preconceived notion of what a nurse should look like and although it has loosened up a little, we are still expected to maintain a professional image. OH MY GOD, DID I JUST SAY THAT? WHEN DID I GROW UP AND GET OLD?

Originally posted by nurseratchett29


:rotfl: When you weren't looking!


Belly rings are such a non issue... when she is sick of it... she can take it out....

Let the kid get the tattoo... just make it very clear that you WILL not pay for it... and if they decide to remove it.... THEY WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT TO....

~so simple yet so sophisticated :)

I do not have any children, body piercings, or tattoos, and so have read through this thread solely for amusement, but I do have one thing I'd like to just toss into the gumbo here...

Why is it, that when I go to start an IV, or give an injection, to a patient with half a dozen assorted body rings and a kaleidoscope of tattoos, that patient, without fail, always says, "Man, I HATE needles!"?

I just have never understood this. :imbar :confused:

Ah, hell.......let her get her belly pierced. Just do like the other mom nurses did and pick the place and teach her how to keep it clean. Kid's gotta rebel least she's not PREGNANT.

Specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.
Originally posted by cheerfuldoer

It does NOT matter how INTELLIGENT OR BOOK SMART they are, what matters is their level of emotional (and social) maturity. How clean do they keep themselves? Do you have to constantly tell them they need a bathe AND a heavy dose of deodorant? Does their bedroom smell like a pig sty? Do they ACT like toddlers still or are they accountable and responsible for their personal belongings, keeping up with appointments on their own, timely in making those appointments, organized in their work...???

I agree that most 14 yr olds would not be able to make this decision and in no way to agree witht he notion to allow it. My 14 (15 on July 16th) has been taking care of hygiene for many years, does her own laundry works a couple of days a week, plays softball, and is involved in many other activities. She is a rare exception to the rule, she is literally 14 going on 20. I can't say this about many other young ladies, but with my daughter I can.

Specializes in Hospice and Palliative Care, Family NP.

hahahhahaa I hear ya Christen!

My 16 year old daughter has her belly button pierced, She had it done last summer while we were on vacation. I went with her, inspected the facility, asked questions etc, and then stood there while she had it pierced. It never got infected, she took very good care of it. Tattoos on the other hand, I am not fond of. Although I never told her no, she stated she did not have any desire to have one and would never get anything pierced other than her belly button. She thinks nose piercings are "'ewwwww gross!" :) Her words! LOL

Had my belly button done at the age of 32 just split up from partner always wanted it done but he didnt approve, (have never told my mum either). I love it but I did have few problems. It took forever to heal I had a tetanium bar put in initially in the July and despite cleaning etc was still having problems in Dec changed it to a silver one and healed within the week. Have tried putting the original back in but it still causes problems so I binned it. I now have quite a variety or different colours and styles to choose from.

With regard to tatoos havent yet have been thinking of it for a while now just a small one somewhere hidden under my uniform. Henna tatoos have become quite popular in the UK havent tried them but I think they have a life of about 6 wks.

Can anyone say Hepatitis?

Thank you all for helping me to cope today.

If I had a 15 yo daughter and she wanted a tattoo and piercing I would forbid it until she hit 18. I would try my best to convince her of my dedication to her that I want her to have a unalduterated dermis until 18 as my honor to her. I coulda got tattooed in the USMC but didn't. To me, my dermis is a sacred and holy place. I wouldn't want to force her, and hoped she see me and how it's cool not to have a tattoo. Maybe she could be lucky to have a cute birthmark on her inner leg in the shape of Orion. She might have natural maps of star clusters that a tattoo would do violence to.

I'd encourage my daughte to go gor bellybutton rings and henna temp tattoos, but again, remind her of my honor to her as to present her with an unadulterated looking body at 18. That would kinda be my responsibility, right? NOt a control issue, but one of lifelong relationship.

Hey Mario - do you have a jaw breaker or something in your mouth in that pic?

BTW - the one of you licking the cake batter bowl is my favorite :)


I don't think I could agree to letting my 14 year old child having a tattoo or a navel piercing. I don't have a problem with having the ears pierced before the age of 18 but I think the rest would have to wait. I have three sons and fortunately this has not been an issue in our home, yet. I wouldn't get terribly upset if one of the boys wanted to pierce their ears (after they were 18) but I am afraid I would have to scrape their father off of the ceiling! :eek: My question would be if you give in to the navel piercing and the tattoo, what else will the child want? Where will you draw the line? I guess I am pretty conservative (and my husband makes me look liberal :D ) when it comes to parenting. I know you can't keep a 14 year old under lock and key, but I believe they are still young enough to require guidance in a majority of their decisions. If you truly believe that the navel piercing and tattooing are not appropiate for your teen, tell her. And then stick with it. If you decide to allow it, good luck. :roll

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