Anyone else waiting for California NCLEX results?

Nurses General Nursing


I took my boards on Wednesday and am waiting for my results. I have heard that California can be slow. It is so difficult to wait!!! I start my job tomorrow under an interim permit. It would be terrible to find out I have failed and have to stop working.

I understand your impatience but count your blessings.....I had to wait 12 weeks back in the dinosaur days.

I took the NCLEX in OC on a Monday and was posted on the BRN site license verification late Wed. night, sometime after 10:30pm. That was hard enough and it was only a couple days, can't imagine longer. Good Luck! ;)

Specializes in nicu, transition.

I am in california and I am still waiting.........waiting........and waiting........... I took my exam on 2/1 and it is still not posted. I took it to the max at 265. Others in my class whos computer stopped at 75 and they took it AFTER me, have gotton their results already. There are 2 other students in my class that have taken it to the max and they are still waiting as well. Maybe because we took the full 265 questions, it grades the test different? I dont know but I hope I passed. Good luck to you as well!

I took the NCLEX in OC on a Monday and was posted on the BRN site license verification late Wed. night, sometime after 10:30pm. That was hard enough and it was only a couple days, can't imagine longer. Good Luck! ;)

Please help me how to look for fast results. What is the website?

Jo, California does not have quick results, although it is possible to get them in as early as 3 days. Go to the BRN website and to your right it will say "permanent license verification". Just click on that, type in your last name and maybe first initial and WHA-LAA, your name will be there as soon as they post it. They do not post "fails", just licensees. If you fail, you will find out by snail mail. I am sure you did just fine and the best of luck to you!

I passed!!! It took a week and a half to find out. I am so relieved.

Specializes in Pediatrics.



Specializes in ICU.

If you took California Board Exam,you have to wait 16 days-1 1/2 month to receive your result. That's in California only. Goodluck!

Specializes in NICU, High-Risk L&D, IBCLC.

I found out in two days.

Specializes in ICU.

Wow that's fast maybe because you are located in USA,but here in the Philippines it took us very long to wait.

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