which gen ed class should I take


I can choose between American Lit II online, U.S. History I, or stats. My other classes are Chemistry in every day life II and Genetics (requirements for a minor in bio) and Theology (university requirement). And either PE or music.

The Chem teacher is supposed to be tough, her 20 something reviews on rate my professor basically said "scary and a lot of work".

The Genetics teacher I had already and she's terrific, a lot of study time but that's expected.

The U.S. History was said to be boring but not bad.

I never took an online class before except the transfer seminar so that's why I hesitate about American lit.

And as for stats...I'm kind of afraid to take it with the chemistry..I worked extremely hard in gen chem to get an A but it was rough, I went to tutoring and extra help at every opportunity. I think stats will be hard for me.

So basically I need all 3 (history, lit and stats) but I'll be doing 2 of them with the main nursing classes...which is best to do before?

The schedule kind of looks crappy (to me )

Monday/Wed is genetics frm 8-10:30, then Chem 12:30-1:45, History 2-3:15, Chem lab 7-9:30 (lab on mon only).

Tues and Thur is Theology 9:30-10:45.

If I took statistics it would replace history and is at 11-12:15 M/W.

I'm in the middle of writing a scholarship essay (ugh) so I wanted a break and came on here haha. Thanks.

Personally, I'd do stats now. It's a LOT of work (at least, it was for me), and there's no way I would want to add that on to a semester of core nursing classes. I did a semester of stats, nutrition, microbiology, and medical terminology. It was a lot of work, but doable, and I maintained very good grades.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

If you can handle the load, I'd go with stats but if you think you'd struggle to maintain your grades taking it with chem, either of the other two choices are fine. Statistics isn't so bad. I'm horrible at math and struggle with it but comparing the two, statistics is a lot easier.

I agree that I would do stat now.

I definitely wouldn't do statistics with your nursing core. So get it over with now. You have a heavy semester coming...best of luck!

I agree with the others, the stat class would probably be the best to do before you start your nursing classes. If you are able to talk to an advisor at your school before you make your final decision they may be able to give you some advice of which classes to take when.

I agree with everyone else - get Stats over and done with. You will feel so relieved when it's over! It's not a hard class and is doable online.

Stats was a big pain in the butt for me. However, I excelled in the professors who made the materials hard but interesting. Dont always believe the RatemyProffessors.com web site. Its not accurate and sometime downright misleading. However, if you can do stats before your basic nursing classes I would go that route as well.

Good luck and I'm sure you will do great.

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