Published Aug 11, 2010
23 Posts
Just thought I would let those of you wanting to apply to Gateway's PN Program that in orientation last night they said the wait list is up to about 1 1/2 - 2 years. Typically it has been 1-2 semesters, but they said since more and more people are trying to bypass the wait list for the RN program, the PN program has become very popular. I did not want to rain on anyone's parade, but thought you would like to know the approximate wait time.
389 Posts
Wow.. good info even if the news is bad.
FWIW, I was talking to some x-ray tech students at Gateway last week - if you think 2 years is bad (and I think it is) , they were told 3.5-5 years after completing pre-reqs to start the x-ray tech program
I can't believe anyone ever completes programs that take that long to start.
I really think we're setting ourselves up for a huge shortage of healthcare workers with nationalized/mandatory healthcare taking effect in a couple of years - current students can't get into training, and alot of new grads can't find jobs.
People are going to bail on the waitlists & schooling just as demand spools up.
Congrats on getting into the FT program!
Thanks rzyzzy! I can't agree with you more. Something is going to have to happen to get these students thru their programs.
I know AZ is short on nursing RN/LPN jobs in the current market. But if anyone is willing to move, I know many states in the midwest, especially small towns with small community hospitals have nursing jobs available even for new grads. Some of these towns are remote, and by meaning remote, maybe 1-2 hours away from a bigger city. Just some information for those who are interested.
140 Posts
I hate how inconsistent the information about the programs are! I just met a girl who applied in this April, and got in for the fall, no wait. I think because they don't have a "wait list" and it is randomized, maybe they are estimating the wait time? I hope so. I am applying in October and would love to get in for the Spring, or the following Fall. All I can do is hope! :)
Actually, there are alot of people on the list that they can't contact, and if they can contact them, it's to ask a question like "can you start tonight?".
miteacher, ADN, MSN
378 Posts
I"m also applying in October, but I can't seem to get a copy of the updated application. I want to get everything filled out. I also am wondering if they will be offering a weekend and night program again this time. I was hoping to start in January, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Where did you get a copy of the updated application?
156 Posts
Well I turned my application in August 2009 and still haven't gotten in:crying2: with some of the threads I have read of people who got excepted and also the information given to me by my advisor I may possibly still have 2-3 semester wait. This last go around of applicants, the last person to get into the program was February of 09:uhoh3: yikes.
Im just praying for Fall 2011
I wonder why the advisors keep saying something different. I e-mailed someone and they told me 1-2 semester wait.
I want to just clarify, I am on th waiting list for the ADN program. The LPN program seemed a bit much for me, because one advisor advised me that in order to get into block 3 you have to wait for students in block 2 to take there finals and hope someone fails. The only way they claim to get in is if another student finds themself having to repeat block 2. I wasn't very comfortable with that.
When I applied for for the RN program last August I was quoted at that time a 3-4 semester wait and at that time there were roughly 1800 people on the list. As of today its reaching 3000:crying2:
Every advisor seems to say something different. I met with the advisor at Estrella and she told me that there may only be a 1 semester wait between going into block 2 and block 3 because many people fail or drop out of the program by that point so there are more spots available. I wonder what the truth really is! This is kinda frustrating with all this information or misinformation going around.
There's really no way for the advisors to know how many openings will be created by people dropping/failing the classes. My group lost about 30% in block 1 for various reasons, and we were "topped off" with many who had failed/dropped block 2 previously. I've heard of some groups in the MCCD system that had almost no drops, and others that approached 60%, it depends on the group, the instructor, and probably just as importantly - luck.
One "clinical" absence or late puts you on "probation" - lab and simulation days are considered "clinicals" in my group - so there are 24 days in this semester that you cannot be late or absent... not including the Hesi or the final... Even with a "good" excuse, you'll get bounced for missing clinicals.
Notice that I haven't even mentioned grades... They don't matter if you miss clinicals.. start over.
You don't have to be a "failure" to fail out of Gateway...
I've got a jury-duty notice for Monday - I'm hoping I don't get called, because if I do, I'll have to skip and face the government's consequences... I'd much rather deal with the government than risking having to repeat the block.
Sheriff Joe can add my warrant to his list of 40,000 unserved ones if necessary.