what to do during the gap after graduation as a RN?

Nurses General Nursing


I graduated from a good nursing school this August with the 1-year working experience as a Nurse Tech, but like many other new graduate RNs, I cannot not find a job. Recently I've found out I am pregnant and will be due by next June. If I cannot get a job before my pregnancy becomes obvious, I will take 1-year maternal leave.

I am worried that that 1-year gap after graduation will affect my chances to get a job next year. I earnestly look for advices from you all and really appreciate any suggestion to keep my resume look sharp over a year of jobless :''(

*I plan to take short courses for a specialized certification for Peds and OB, but the NCC certification for only experiences nurses. Do you know any thing that I can take?

*anything else I can do during the gap?

Thanks a bunch!!! love.png

TOO HAVE A 1 YEAR GAP B/C I RELOCATED.... we'll survive sis!!!

I graduated three years ago and was in the same boat as you are now. Got pregnant and took a year off.. After which, I could not get a job until last week!!! Please make sure you work at some hospital atleast once a week (as a pct or unit secretary) , that way you have your foot in the door already. I know that it is hard to work as a pct after you went through all of nursing school and your boards. I hope that you make the right decision.. the one that is right for you. Be blessed!

I agree with the previous post. You can volunteer or choose to work as PER DIEM and go in when you can. That way you would already have your foot in the door.

For the rest of us, it's pretty much start now for a year or two and start having kids too... it's like it's vice versa.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

i know a lot of people who are getting 2 and 3 on call jobs at hospitals.. usually her time is filled in

Specializes in ER.

that's a good idea to take courses while you're job searching. I would look on that favorably. Perhaps starting some more college courses while you're on maternity leave would look just like you're pursuing higher education while on mommy duty.

Specializes in pediatric.

I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to volunteer at a medical tent at the Boston Marathon as a new grad. Maybe there is something like that around your area?

ACLS and PALS certifications come to mind, if you are interested in Peds and OB. There's another thread on AN about a run of codes in an OB unit, so that ACLS certification could come in handy. Also, if there are any agencies hiring for flu clinics, that's another thought. And a home health job where you work a couple of shifts per week with a single patient would be great for a new grad.

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