Published Dec 16, 2008
3 Posts
Please, I need advice regarding some books, website, or anything that can help me getting through Fundamentals Of Nursing without deeding on Potter $ Perry book. Thank you for your time
3,362 Posts
If Potter and Perry is required then that is what you are suppose to get.
486 Posts
Throughout nursing school, you'll find the expenses outside tuition really add up. Just wait till you need to apply for graduation and boards...consider the books, etc. part of getting through nursing school. I couldn't imagine not having the correct text for a class. I mean, in my Ob/Peds class, little sidenotes specific to that particular book were often included test questions. Not having access to the tested material would have been insane (that is, if hoping to get to where you have to pay for the NCLEX/FBI check/grad fees, etc.).
CarlSagan's Maid
56 Posts
I bought mine used on Amazon for $57. This was for a "like new" copy with CD. They can be found cheaper just search the net. NEVER buy from the college bookstore - total rip!
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,369 Posts
perry & potter is invaluable. i needed it throughout my nursing school career, not just in fundamentals. (i've even referred to it in my nursing career!)