FSCJ Summer 2012 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


I am currently taking Microbiology and plan to apply to the FSCJ RN program for May. I understand that the deadline to apply is 2-1-2012. I have already taken the NAT and I scored 100 points out of 120 on my test run. If I retake the NAT again and score higher, will I get the highest points for each section from both attempts on the PSB?

Specializes in Answering phones and studying. ;-).

hi summer2012:):)

i'm hoping to bring a little peace and perspective to this thread. i'm in my second term, so the anxiety of making the cut is still fresh in my mind. here it goes:)

if you have over 200 you are in:) start buying your nursing school stuff:)

if you search through it is very uncommon for the cutoff to be higher than 200.

from 195-200 you should be fine. start buying your nursing school stuff:)

191-195 you may be shaking in your boots but you've got a very good shot.

under 190, i'm not going to say it isn't going to happen. the closer to 190/200 the better. there is a period of time after acceptance letters go out that people decline their seats (either they don't have $$ or time or have been accepted elsewhere) and you may get a call. say stay positive. :)

all hopefuls!!!

start saving you're pennies! check into worksource (they will pay your tuition and most of your books), most of my classmates have ws. your first semester is going to drain your savings. even with worksource or fa the requirements are expensive.


get your bcls cert now, it must be bcls for medical purposes. check st. vincent.

start buying: stethoscope, bp cuff, white comfy shoes, white scrub pants, a watch, a passport photo from cvs, and comfy khakis.

if you have insurance call and ask if they cover "well care", more specifically you will need: mmr & vericella titers (not shots, titers); hep b vaccine, tdap, ppd, and a physical. do not get these until you have your acceptance letter in hand, they have to be done within a certain time frame laid out in your letter. call northside medical clinic and ask about how much these are. northside is the best priced and the same place you go for your drug test.

everything together for term 1 is over $3000. if you get books and tuition covered you will still be paying about $1000 out of pocket. and fa will not cover all of your term 1 books, so this is where worksource is a lifesaver.

i say get this now because we were only given a few weeks to do all of this and more. do yourself a favor and start now:)

getting in is only half the battle, i knew a few people that couldn't start because they couldn't get the money together for all the requirements. so start now and get used to asking your family for money. ;)

every term, every class, every week is going to have its own struggles. while you have the extra time make sure you use it to kiss and cuddle your loved ones because they make struggling worth it. :)



@sugarbee- thank you SO SO much! I was hoping to get an inside perspective on the acceptance process!

@sugarbee- one other thing regarding WorkSource....do you have to go to FSCJ to apply for this? Someone else briefly mentioned this to me and said you can't apply until you're accepted...is this true?

@sugarbee- one other thing regarding WorkSource....do you have to go to FSCJ to apply for this? Someone else briefly mentioned this to me and said you can't apply until you're accepted...is this true?

Specializes in Answering phones and studying. ;-).

Lura,Yes, you need to be accepted into the program. What you will do is get on their website and fill out a general questionair. Answer the questions as if you were in the program. Do you gross over $25,000 yearly? No! Even if you do, answer "no". You won't be when your in school. Don't claim your husband/wife's income. Address your and your partner's income/employment status once you get the appointment. When you get an appointment, you will be asked to bring in 3 paystubs, so if you are currently working a high paying job but won't be able to during, you may want to go half-time for a while. They aren't going to ask for tax info just paystubs. The point of WS is to help us get through. They pay for all our classes, about $2000 worth of books, and the NCLEX test at the end. Sorry if there are any misspelled words or funky phrasing, I'm on my phone ;-)Best of luck:-)S

Sugarbee, when did you apply for Worksource? Was it for 2012 or last year? I heard that they changed some of the requirements.

Hi all!! I applied for the summer term also. Do you have anymore information on worksource? Can you get it if you are unemployed?

I'm IN!!!! Yay so excited!

did you get a phone call, email or in the mail?? what was the cut off points?? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

I'm in too!!! I got a packet in the mail today. I don't know what the cutoff point was but I applied with a 230. Good luck everyone, I'm so excited to meet you all!

I received a packet in the mail. I applied with a 203 but we won't know the cut-off until sometime after March 16th, the date by which we have to accept or decline our seats. Congrats lucakn!

Thats crazy that you guys got a packet already. I got in last semester, but did not end up going. We found out through an e-mail on Dec 5th and classes started Jan 9th. So I didn't think we would be hearing anything for another month. I have a 202 something so I hope that I will be getting a packet here soon! Congrats to you all who have already gotten one!

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