FSCJ Summer 2012 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


I am currently taking Microbiology and plan to apply to the FSCJ RN program for May. I understand that the deadline to apply is 2-1-2012. I have already taken the NAT and I scored 100 points out of 120 on my test run. If I retake the NAT again and score higher, will I get the highest points for each section from both attempts on the PSB?

I really cannot wait to meet everyone April 16th! I requested to be a part of the facebook group yesterday...hope everyone is getting what they need done..everything has gone smoothly for me, except that solantic messed up one of my titers, and ran it as IGM, not IGG, so now I have to redo it...what fun. Especially after waiting there for over an hour. I should have just doen everything at Northside medical Clinic. Oh well, life lessons! Congrats to everyone that got in!

Feel Free to add me as well on Facebook :D my name is jennifer LeMieux..there are a few so here is the link Jennifer LeMieux | Facebook :D cant wait to meet everyone in a few weeks, im sooooo freaking excited!!

Hi Everyone,

I'm a 2nd termer, VP of Student Nurses Association. I'd like to first congratulate you on getting in!!! Also, wanted to let you know that the SNA will be at your orientation tomorrow to share about this great organization, as well as doing a couple fundraisers during your breaks.

We will be selling gently used clinical uniforms and possibly some FSCJ blue polo shirts for any donation, custom embroidered badge reels for $5, and raffling off a stethoscope for $1/ticket. So come prepared with a little cash!!!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Jessica Proffit

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