I am a nurse at a BMT unit. I have worked here for 11 years. I work 3 12 hr night shifts in a row then have 11 shifts off. That is my schedule ... 3 12 hrs shifts on. 11days off.
My problem is I am burnt on on working. Not necessarily on being a nurse. Just working. I hope I don't sound like a whiner. I just want to stay home and be a mom and a housewife. It is so hard to leave home. I know this is totally unreasonable.
I have to work. Everyone in the world has to work. But in my lizard brain I cannot let go of the, " oh I don't want to go to work". I have actually called in sick so often I think am am starting to get a bad reputation. This makes work even more difficult.
Part of the difficulty of me not wanting to go to work is:
1. Nursing is all policy and procedure. I feel as if I don't get it all or don't remember it all. Ecspecially working partime. Plus so many things change at my unit feel don't know all the changes from week to week. And I feel like I should know more than i do as I am a senior nurse. Knowing what to do for a crashing pt is getting more difficult for me, not easier. Grrr...why is this?
2. I am having a hard time dealing with difficult patients. Whether they be mean, demanding, rude or whiny. I just can't effectively handle them any more with out gritting my teeth and screaming silently in my head. Patients family members can alsobemore than I can deal with. It did not used to be like this, but it is now.
3. I want to stay home
Does anyone else HAVE to drag themselves to work because they have no choice to not work?
Changing jobs is not the answer. Where else am I going to get this schedule with no weekends and no holidays required to work,
No where that's the truth. Besides it's not this job that frustrates me it's any job.
I keep telling myself in today's job market I'm LUCKY to have a good job. Plus I provide the health insurance for my family.
How do you make yourself go to work? Or are you like most of my co workers and going to work is easy, no problem. I wish that were me.