Published Feb 21
Joe NightingMale, MSN, RN
1,607 Posts
Tweety hope today is a better day
Hi Dianah
Stars hopefully today will be more productive with her away
Work was calmer yesterday, nothing usual, even had time to work ahead on some things for tomorrow.
However got a new case shortly before the end of the day. Had time to work on it a bit. Have some things to do tomorrow for the person that is off, along with a short meeting, so I'm hoping the new case doesn't make things too crazy
Rest of the day was pretty ordinary, just exercised and relaxed
Nothing unusual going on today after work. Will stop at the store after work, as I plan to try baking a cake tomorrow, given that the weather remains cold and I won't be doing any bird watching
Will be in the upper 20s today, warming trend is starting thankfully that should continue for the next week
No Stars In My Eyes
5,402 Posts
Forty degrees and sunny. So far today the only "productivity" I've had has been that I got up at 7:20 AM to unlock the doors for when SiL comes to get Nannie. Then I made myself a cup of coffee, and THEN went back to sleep, saying "To h___ with it!" It is now 20 min to 2 PM and I am in bed with Momo, the laptop, and a cold cup of coffee.
On the way to get Nannie I have to stop at the bank which sent me a notice that my acct is overdrawn; I do have the check BiL gave me on Sunday but did not go to the bank on Monday because it was a holiday, and after that I forgot about it. So I can get up to snuff on my acct balance anyway. I also have to go to Walmart for some refills.
The beef stew that SiL gave us (that was frozen solid) was left out overnight, then put in the fridge and I had intended to put it in the crockpot on high to maybe cook the bacteria out of it, but now I have forgotten AGAIN to do so, and since it is several days later, I reckon the best thing to do now is throw it out.
Might as well get dressed. I don't even care that my hair is all wonky, and my hair is the one vanity I have, so that might give you an indication of the depth of my .... whatever you want to call it....depression, stubbornness, lack of self-care. Have done nothing to my room or the rest of the house. Bah. Wish the light at the end of the tunnel was at least showing as a pinprick in the darkness, that might give me some hope that there is another "NEW! IMPROVED!" episode in my life (coming soon to a theater near me?).
Y'all know the rest of my complaints so I will stop here and, yes, get dressed. Forty degrees is too cold to go pick up Nannie while I am nekkid. (Haha. made a 'joke'.)
dianah, ASN
8 Articles; 4,593 Posts
Yah, I got yer joke, No Stars! At least you got up and out of the house.
Hello all!
Yesterday I took the RV registration to the local DMV, to just put it into their on-site kiosk. Well, when I walked up and stated my purpose, I was informed they no longer have a drop box at that DMV, that I will have to mail the payment or renew it online. OK, so I went to Plan B: went to my friend Tom at Mail Choice, and mailed the renewal via Certified Mail, so I KNOW it gets there. Hmph. I don't trust doing it online (had a mess-up a few years ago, me thinking three cars' renewals were taken care of online, only to find out, via mail, AFTER they were due, that there was a mess-up. AND I had to pay late fees on THREE vehicles! I did NOT like that!). The next time a registration renewal is due, I will just use the AAA service.
Today I baked the rest of the spice cookies for dh (cookie dough was already chilled in the fridge), then made "crackers": cut thin-sliced swiss cheese into quarters, place the pieces on a parchment-covered baking sheet, sprinkle each with seasoned salt (and I put a few chopped jalapenos on top), and bake at 350 for 15-20 min. They turn out nice and crispy. And low in carbs. Yes, I have tried it with cheddar, but they turn out chewy and not crispy. I want crispy! Then I toasted some pecans and some almonds. I do like them raw, but I prefer them toasted, so I did it myself. Got a load of laundry in the dryer.
Caught an interesting story today, on the shipping container that went overboard on its way across the ocean. It contained bath toys, among which were lots of little yellow rubber duckies. This was in 1992, and a researcher, upon hearing about the incident, took this opportunity to study ocean currents. He followed reports of little yellow rubber duckies showing up around the world, in the next 20+ years! Look it up on Wikipedia, there is a cool map of where and when the duckies were spotted! Dh and I got a giggle out of it! Ah, and it was even featured in an episode of Death In Paradise, season 2, ep 7, I believe!
We have lately had some sad news of friends or their relatives with serious illnesses (brain tumors, pancreatic cancer), plus a friend's dad, diagnosed a couple years ago with myeloma, recently declined and died over the weekend. My heart and prayers are with all these ppl affected. It's just sad; I have no other words.
It's in the mid-70's out, and beautiful clear day. We should have a few warmer days, though we still see snow in the local mountains -- which may not last long! Youngest ds's BD is in early March, Note to Self: gotta remember to mail him a card -- so it arrives ON TIME!
Have a good evening!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,812 Posts
I've always renewed my car online but notice too the grocery store has a kiosk to do it there. Apparently they don't want to have lines at the DMV for such stuff.
Off for the weekend.
Sorry about your friend's Dianah.
Ado Annie, ASN, RN
1,280 Posts
dianah, I saw that story about the rubber ducks. Brilliant!
Thanks for the reminder that March is right around the corner. Grandson and No. 1 Granddaughter have birthdays the first week of March.
Life does seem unfair and relentless at times. I guess all you can do (and it's a lot, really) is love your friends through it.
A few weird/unusual things at work this week to keep me hopping. Glad to have a weekend. And book club meets Sunday night.
Thank you, Tweety and Ado. And yes, all we can do is be here and love them. And pray.