Fresno State Nursing Spring vs. Fall Semester



I am a Fresno State pre-nursing student. I have finished all my pre-reqs and I am wondering which semester is better to apply for, Fall or Spring. I figure since Spring semester only accepts Fresno State students, my chances are greater. I applied this Fall for the heck of it and got waitlisted. How are my chances for getting in the Spring semester if I made it on the waitlist for Fall?

Any opinions/inputs are greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in MICU.

I applied for fresno state this fall too! I think I was waitlist #21. Such a bummer but they said not to lose out on hope until the very end. I grew up in Fresno and I've heard of people I know being accepted mere days before the start! Don't count it out completely yet! I'm 1000% sure spring will be easier since there is way less competition. I know it's gotten pretty fierce in the last few years! Plus the application time isn't too far away anyways right? Is it the only school you applied to?

How did you find out what number you were on the waiting list, did you just call and they told you?

I only applied to Fresno State, I'll apply again for the Spring semester. I believe you can submit your application in August. I really hope I get in!

Specializes in MICU.

Emailed! They told me my space but what they didnt say was whether or not what they told me included the waitlist numbers they had already accepted. Be sure to ask that! I'm sure you will get in! Don't lose hope! :)

Who did you email to get that info?

And thank you!:)

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