preemieRNkate RN


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About preemieRNkate

preemieRNkate has 7 years experience as a RN and specializes in Level III NICU.

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  1. I'm new to PICU, after working NICU for 7 years. I belong to ANN, but I'm looking for an organization more relevant to PICU. Internet searches haven't led me to much, so I'm turning to the people that...
  2. preemieRNkate

    NICU nurse making the jump to PICU!

    Haha....I know exactly what you mean about NICU nurses being particular. Mostly because, well, I am! Thank you for your
  3. preemieRNkate

    NICU nurse making the jump to PICU!

    Hi everyone! I'm a NICU nurse with 7 years of experience and I've decided to make the jump over to the PICU!! Reason #1 is because there were no NICU positions open in the hospital that I was applying...
  4. preemieRNkate

    anyone familiar with the zaky?

    We've had them on the unit quite a few times, I like them. They are nice to kind of curl around the baby and have the "hand" part rest around the baby's head, or if the baby is prone, right on his...
  5. preemieRNkate

    TPN/IL through UAC??

    We JUST had this conversation today about a baby that is a hard stick, couldn't get a UVC, only UAC and they figured we'd just advance feeds. Well, of course, the baby didn't tolerate feeds and is...
  6. preemieRNkate

    Low Census

    Not us! Busy, busy, busy for the past few months. Lots of high-order multiples, a few micros, quite a few MAS/PPHN kids. We also recently started admitting any baby born under 36 weeks. We used to...
  7. preemieRNkate

    Tape use in Neonates

    Ditto. We use steri-strips to make the chevron. I also cut a small steri in half (across) and I place that across the angio above the insertion site to secure it sometimes prior to putting the...
  8. preemieRNkate

    Can ADN nurses land jobs in the NICU?

    Well, I landed a job in a NICU with an associate degree! It was 5 years ago, and currently my unit has no openings, but last time we hired new nurses it was pretty evenly mixed with graduates of both...
  9. preemieRNkate

    Circumcized on a vent?

    Like previous posters, the only time I have ever seen that done is if the baby is going to the OR for another non-emergent procedure and they are going to be under anesthesia and intubated only for...
  10. preemieRNkate

    H1N1 -- in the NICU

    An individual who refuses the vaccine (regular flu or H1N1) based on a medical reason, such as an egg allergy, must have proof from a doctor. I agree with the fact that the H1N1 vaccine was rushed...
  11. preemieRNkate

    H1N1 -- in the NICU

    Uh, yeah, us staff nurses all think that it's nuts that we aren't limiting visitation. Management just says we offer "family-centered care." Crazy....We say (healthy) parents can continue...
  12. preemieRNkate

    H1N1 -- in the NICU

    New York state is now requiring us to get the flu vaccine, and when the H1N1 vaccine is available, we will also be required to get that. We are being threatened with suspension and/or termination if...
  13. preemieRNkate

    Amicillin via UAC?

    In a real crunch, with absolutely no other access, yes. Ideally, we give it a real good try to get a peripheral line in though. We give blood products through UACs more frequently than we give...
  14. preemieRNkate


    We stopped doing footprints as part of the hospital record a year or 2 ago. We still do them sometimes for parents, or when a baby dies for the memory
  15. preemieRNkate

    Does anyone else do quiet hour?

    We actually do "quiet time" 3x/day. 1300-1400, 2130-2230 and 0100-0200. Our unit was so successful that the whole hospital now has a quiet hour based on what we were doing. Our staff is pretty good...