Need help with paper-opinions needed


I'm hoping to get opinions to help me with my "Philosophy of Nursing" paper.

I need personal opinions, preferably with rationale. I would like it from all levels of nursing students from beginning students to graduates.

This is due early next week so I will thank you in advance for all of your help:kiss !

Maybe I'm missing something here, but...opinions on what?

I need your opinions on your own philosophy of nursing e.g. when you become a nurse, which nursing model (nightengale, orem etc) do you think you will use or do you think that you will be using a little of everyone and some of your own and why.

I hope this helps clarify it for you.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

So, what are your plans for this paper? Are you simply copy down eveyone else's opinion and write them as your own? (I hope not.)

Perhpas it would be best for you to share some of your thoughts with the group and ask for our input on them.



I do not plagerize anyone's comments or thoughts. I am quite capable of having my own thoughts without having to steal someone else's.

My philosophy is holistic in that I feel that the whole client needs to be treated. This includes not only the body, but the mind and the spirit as well.

I simply asked for opinions because I am curious how others feel about where they are in nursing.....nothing else.

I very much agree with the holistic approach also. Beneath every sick or injured body there is a mind and a spirit and this needs to be taken into consideration in our treatment of patients. This goes from age 9 to 90. I love to make eye contact with the eyes of an elderly patient. They have seen so much, been through so much. Their spirit is strong and shines through the oxygen tubes and medications. I don't remember the name of the nurse who stood behind the holistic approach (my instructor would kill me) - I want to say her last name is Benway or Benware, I'd have to get out my notebook. Anyway, hope this helps you out a little. I'm starting my third semester of nursing in the fall, hope to be done in May. Good luck with your paper!!

Thank you Carolanne! You sound like you will make an excellent nurse in a holistic environment. Keep looking into those eyes, you will learn much!

I also agree with the holistic approach. If the person is depressed it can effect the outcome of their treatment. I think as nurses we need to make sure the patient is not only as comfortable as possible and getting the treatment he or she needs, but is also in good spirits. We should make sure they feel like a person even though the situation they may be in might make them feel less than human or as if they are losing dignity. I think how to do this will vary by patient and situation but is very important to strive to do.

I agree det01. The problem that I see with holistic nursing is that, while we attempt to treat the "whole" person, insurance constraints and government regulations preclude us from doing much more than treating the physical ailments. That is why I want to work in an environment where the healthcare team is part of the "family" and is allowed to think outside the box while still practicing holistic nursing in a professional educated manner.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.
Originally posted by essarge


I do not plagerize anyone's comments or thoughts. I am quite capable of having my own thoughts without having to steal someone else's.

My philosophy is holistic in that I feel that the whole client needs to be treated. This includes not only the body, but the mind and the spirit as well.

I simply asked for opinions because I am curious how others feel about where they are in nursing.....nothing else.

I never meant to accuse you of plagerism. I was just asking how you planned to use the information. Other students in the past have taken our comments and used them in papers in questionable ways -- and I was trying to clarify your planned use.

Also, I have found it helpful if the original poster "starts the discussion" by suggesting a few ideas to begin with rather than to just pose a broad topic and wait for other people to "write on the blank page" so-to-speak. Such posts usually generate the most fruitful discussion. I was just trying to help you get the ball rolling.

I am sorry you took offence. I didn't intend any.


Apology accepted. Please note that all I wanted were opinions from other students. The actual paper has now been finished and is ready to be turned in. The paper was a personal philosophy statement of what I believed my own personal philosophy of nursing was.

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