Forsyth/Guilford Tech Spring 2012

U.S.A. North Carolina


Anyone applying for Spring 2012 Gtech or Ftech adn program? The deadlines are fast approaching and I would like to compare points etc since this is the first semester to enter using the TEAS V. I have around 150 points at Ftch...anyone applying now have something similar? More? Less? My nerves are about to get the best of me if the deadline doesn't roll around soon!! :uhoh3:

Good luck Kay51 Let us know how you do...i'm still up in the air on weather or not i'm going to retake it wednesday.

Oh lord, well my 2nd go round was a shot in the dark, shouldn't have wasted my time or money... oh well live and learn, 77 is my final score on the TEAS V and total points end up at 149...let's see if thats enough...oh and no response from GTECH email that I sent-

i'm sorry hon... but you helped me with my decision weather or not to take it again. I scored 70 twice and I really didn't want to try again. I would've been happy with a 77 but all I can say is at least we passed with a decent score. As for gtcc I don't think Kathy would know how many applied until admissions finish their ranking.. and who knows when they'll do that.. all i know is we'll find out with in 4-6 weeks. But think positive thoughts in any case.

How is everyone doing?? Are your nerves shot yet?? My husband brought in the mail yesterday and said, "Oh, GTCC" (like he had the envelope!!) but of course he was just joking. I could have slapped him, haha.

LOL I would have slapped him! So what are we looking at for GTCC, another 2 weeks or so before we start seeing mail?

I think so!! Looking forward to October :)

LOL yeah i would've popped him one hahah... but i think we have at least to mid october hopfully sooner. I'm starting to get myself ready for a rejection. so i guess you can say.. yeah my nerves are shot lol.

Hey guys!

I am also applying to FTCC for the spring. I take my TEAS test on Monday so I am not sure how many point I have at the moment. It made me nervous when she told us in the information session that she couldn't give us a point range.....but we can figure that out on our own! haha. Im really nervous about the test I have been studying like crazy! I will let you all know how it goes and how many points I have after Monday!!

Hey Kay51

How did you do on the exam?

Well...I didn't do as good on the TEAS as I has wanted but at least I passed. I ended up making a 70. I thought about retaking it but I rllllllllllllllly don't want to so I think I'm just going to stick it out and see how everything goes. I have 168 points total now so I'm hoping thats enough!

you have 168 pt with making a 70 thats impressive. I wanted to retake it as well but it's really draining and I just say let see if my lil ol 146 pts get me any where lol

I'm anxious to see how the point range changes this time. I think you have a pretty good chance, from what I've heard there is a lot of people not passing the TEAS v!

wow really, i would've thought they'd have a lot since they're pass rate is only 42%. I swear they need to ban this version of the exam. It's really sad that they are making it hard for those who want to become nurses, especially with the nursing shortage.

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