Former classmate


Specializes in ER.

What do you say to someone who has a suspended license? He's apparently homeless right now and he's working in a non-healthcare field. I'd love to give him encouragement and that there is hope once he gets his money situation sorted out.

We weren't close but I thought he'd make a great nurse in school. We talked briefly about fnp vs acute care np a year or two ago.


I think your classmate is lucky to have you thinking of him.... maybe start by letting him know how you think he would make a great nurse and then see if he is open to coming back... if he is him less o think he has many obstacles to overcome but you may be able to help I guiding him. Show him this board and how many nurses over come addiction. If he is actively using he may have other issues to overcome yet before thinking about nursing.

Specializes in ER/ICU.

I agree. I am sure he needs a friend right now. Someone who has maybe been in a similar situation as him. Someone to give him words of encouragement vs judgement. Someone to listen....

IDK if you are in a recovery program as well but if you are I am certain whatever advice you can give will be helpful. If he can see someone who is "surviving" the program it might give him hope. If you can offer advice on things that helped you I am sure that will give him faith. If you can "pay it forward" and offer any assistance I would hope that would give him strength. Strength to get himself on track and maybe lend a helping hand to someone in his shoes in the future.

We we all need to stick together. Hold each other's hand. Lift their hearts and spirits in any way possible. We all know how hard these programs are. We all know how isolating this can be. We all know we also want to give up on a regular basis. Let's do what we can for each other ... let it be kind words, pass on a place that hires nurses in recovery, give a dollar when we can afford it. Be especially kind to another nurse in a program. Love ourselves. Love each other...

Just be a friend!!!!

I would love it if my old classmates/coworkers were to say "I know what happened and it's okay, I'm here for you"

I would also have loves support.. I was talked about and dropped like a bad habit. no pun intended... I deserved it but it was still so painful. i felt so alone, scared, and ashamed and folks I had known for over five years dismissed me completely. I have seen a few around town and have had a full spectrum of receptions.

Your friend will appreciate your support in any form. Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful.

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