Fork in the road...Help


Heres a quick background

I moved to Montana to go to the state university,

I will be paying out of state tuition.

My pre reqs transferred accept Anatomy because I hadn't done phys. yet and they do A&P1/2.

Im registered for Spring16 but I will need to come up with over 6K in loan debt to attend.

Here the issue my bf will be providing for us but his job is weather dependent and the snow effects his hours. Bottom line he isnt making enough to pay rent and bills he could go elsewhere and probably make more but its not a sure thing. Originally we had it worked out but now its not. On top of that I have 4k in credit debt and 3500 in student loans.

What would you do,

Put school off for a year and get cheap tuition were talking 150% cheaper but be behind a whole school year. Work during that whole year and pay my credit card debt off. Try and study A&P by myself and complete an online stats course for a grand.


Be hopeful and possibly have the bf find a higher paying job (theres lots of job opportunities here) but still what he does is weather dependent. With this option I will go to school take A&P1/2 and get my cna. Then 6 months from now work as a cna while going to school I will probably accrue atleast 12000-14000 in tuition for the non resident year but then I will be able to apply next January to the nursing program.

or if you have another perspective please share Im torn!

Ive been praying a lot and I know I need to listen to God but I also need perspective from my peers. Thanks in advanced

Specializes in ER/Tele, Med-Surg, Faculty, Urgent Care.

I think option A is a more reasonable from a financial standpoint. Anything can happen with jobs (layoffs/lost job for bf) or your health. What about getting your CNA now/first year? That would get you nursing experience that is useful for school & future jobs, provide income, and possibly get your foot in the door of some facilities. Paying off debt is excellent as well build up little bit of savings for emergency. You really have very little so far in student loans. By waiting one year, (which is not a long wait really), you will be in a better position to tackle nursing school. Good luck.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

Being "hopeful" is not a solution.

Only you can decide what is best for you. Not getting into hellacious debt would seem like a good way to go. When not praying get a calculator and figure out real numbers of what you will owe and what your payments will be. If you end up 60K in debt you can expect to be paying at least 600 a month for years. Having quantifiable data will make the options more clear when making a decision.

Specializes in Critical Care Transport, Cardiac ICU, Rapid.

Sounds like you're putting an immense amount of pressure on your boyfriend to provide, weather permitting of course. If I were in your shoes I would honestly just stay in your home state, earn your cna, and slowly start to tackle your debts and taking the rest of your necessary classes.

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