Fluid and Electrolyte Test!


ok so I ended up with a 90% on my fluid and electrolyte test...amazing my first A on the hardest exam of the semester. my classmates are very envious of the grade....no one that I have spoken to has even come close to passing it! the test was HARD no doubt and I do not like to brag about my grade...however it someone asks I will let them know what I got, after all it was possible to pass on that test, I did. however everyone seems to get an attitude because of the fact that I did....I can't pay attention to it I guess....but it is bothersome!! I dont ask anyone else what they got on tests but several classmates feel it is necessary to find out what everyone else got and compare themselves.....I dont know why I get so bothered by people rolling their eyes and making smart remarks but I do....:scrying:

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

just out of curiosity, what do you think helped make the difference in getting you such a good grade? how did you study/prepare differently for this test that made the difference? that is the revelation that you should be telling people when they ask about the grade. tell them you are just as surprised as they are. offer to share this study strategy. if they don't want to accept the help you can live with the fact that you did offer.

if people get like this over grades, i would just lie in the future about my test grades and tell people i got a lower grade than what i really got--avoids confrontations and puts me in with the rest of the commiserating group.

congratulations. btw, this won't be the last you'll see of f&e, i promise.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU.

Congrats! That is awesome. I also made a 90 on my F&E exam, but that is a B in my program. :madface:

Please try to remember how hard you had to work to get that 90 when you get the eye rolls.. It's not your fault that others compare themselves to you. I'm sensitive, so I'm sure that it would hurt my feelings too if someone rolled their eyes at me. Luckily, the only people I told my grade to were very happy for me..and I in turn told them how I studied and gave them some pointers.

It sounds like your classmates are jealous of you. Daytonite has given you some really great advice.

Hang in there and keep up the good work! :redpinkhe

As long as my grade for the course averages out to what I like, I am happy. Congrats to you!

Yea, A 90 in my program is a B. A 93 is an A.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

A 94 is an A in our program but the grade points don't reflect that. Which is not fair I think.

Never be embarrased or worried about the grade you received for your hard work and efforts. I would never lie to be part of the group no matter how many eyes rolled my way. I also would never brag but that is not what you did either. If someone wants to know, tell them. If they ask how, you can offer your suggestions. It is funny, whenever I had this situation come up and we compared how we studied, the other person rarely put in enough study time. Likely they would read through their notes once or twice. When I study I read, re-write, draw, diagram, test myself, read again if necessary. Many don't want to put in that effort. Bravo to you on your efforts!

Ignore it, just ignore it. Those people can cause so much problems, it's like mind your own. I got a 100% on my mathematics for medications test on the 1st try. I never went around and told people that that's what I got. But, when people asked me, I told them. And when I answered them I slowly shook my head yes. It was almost as if I felt guilty about it. But, hey I shouldn't have right? You shouldn't either. Stand tall yo, you've worked hard for it.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Congratulations! And don't feel one bit guilty about it.

I always used to get the eye-rolling and remarks after tests too. At first, they never really understood how hard I worked to get that grade--I didn't wear it on my sleeve and make a big production out of it. I think they probably thought that it came easy to me! (well, F&E and the dosage calculations did, but that's all).

But then I started helping others in my class and they began to understand both my hard work and the course material, and pretty soon the eye-rolling, etc. stopped.

I try to avoid the whole grade issue by answering that I did well and then asking them if they were happy with their grade. (I never ask for grades, but always ask if someone was happy with their grade...to me, it's a more important question...everyone is shooting for different grades--some are looking to squeak out a C to pass, some are looking to keep that B and some are shooting for A's--this way they can share their accomplishment of hitting their goal--or the frustration of not--without it being a comparison).

If folks are rude enough to push me for a specific grade, I just make a joke about how rude they're being (something silly like, "well aren't you nosey today" with a big smile). Bottom line is you don't have to share the actual number you received...there are a lot of ways to share whether you feel you did well or not without mentioning a number.

Now, I do have a group of friends that I study a lot with and we do share grades....but that's more because we know what each others goals were and want to celebrate or comiserate with each other.

Congrats on your test grade!

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