flight nursing speciality program


Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

Poor little canadian Rn who is looking to take class on-line to get specialize in aeromedical nursing. So far I coudn't found anything in Canada, anything in the USA??

I've always wondered about that myself. It is something I would like to do later on in life. :)

Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

One of the reason I moved here in Calgary. But STARS don't hired very much and went they do, there like 30 interwied very choosen candidats for 3 position. Rough competition!!

Specializes in Rotor EMS, Ped's ICU, CT-ICU,.

I don't intend to sound critical, but 'flight nurse specialization' is just not an "on-line" kind of career.

Since it's so competitive, it's essential to "step out" to gain the resume to beat the other applicants.

I'm just saying...

Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

I don't intend to sound critical, but 'flight nurse specialization' is just not an "on-line" kind of career.

Since it's so competitive, it's essential to "step out" to gain the resume to beat the other applicants.

I'm just saying...

Well actually in Ontario, the paramedic can do a special training on aeromedical training. I was wondering if such could exist for us!!

There is a school in Cleveland Ohio that offers an Acute Care NP program that has a flight nurse component along with it. The school's name is Case Western Reserve University. I just looked at the program yesterday. You do your ACNP and then you do flight nurse program (2 years total). Check it out.

Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

There is a school in Cleveland Ohio that offers an Acute Care NP program that has a flight nurse component along with it. The school's name is Case Western Reserve University. I just looked at the program yesterday. You do your ACNP and then you do flight nurse program (2 years total). Check it out.

&&&1000 thank you. Exactly what I needed!

Specializes in Rotor EMS, Ped's ICU, CT-ICU,.

&&&1000 thank you. Exactly what I needed!

I apologize...I would've told you about this program originally, but I thought you were looking for something online.

I think the Cleveland program is a great idea.

Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

I apologize...I would've told you about this program originally, but I thought you were looking for something online.

I think the Cleveland program is a great idea.

%%% Yes it is. Plus I get to go to summer camp once more!!lol Hope the others kids won't be mean!!:trout:

Specializes in Surgical and Medical ICU.

Yeah, I have check into that program at Case Western in the past. Only draw back is being a private school, the tuition exceeds $1300 a credit hour.

Specializes in critical care,flight nursing.

Just for information purpose, in my quest of the Holy Grail in training ,I found that website:


Be careful with the Case program, it is more of a Critical care program with a few classes in flight nursing

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