

I work in an assisted living facility and I got fired for forgetting to give a resident his meds. I did not get a written warning I just got fired. Can I get unemployment if I got fired for this?

Also I have only worked here for about 6 weeks should I disclose them on an application for employment? My thought is I need to be honest but I am not sure what I should say on the application.

Fired for cause is a reason not to get unemployment in my state but I have read many instances where people have received unemployment in different areas based upon their portrayal of the circumstances. All they can do is say no, so take the time and try. Most people would tell you to be honest about listing the job. Good luck.

Specializes in Cardiology, Oncology, Medsurge.

Argue as best you can your reason for forgetting to give his meds (ie similar name to another resident, you were tied up doing the dressing change in Mr. y's room and couldn't get to patient x, the patient was asleep, too many residents and the employer expected them to be delivered in an unreasonable time frame, anything) just bring forth the best argument in your favor!

Remember, the unemployment officer is not a nurse therefore your presenting your defense in the best of your ability will definitely work well for you! It sure did for me, for I had similar situation happen to me and fought back. I told her all that I knew honestly and received my unemployment check in a timely manner.

I would recommend you not put this place of employment on your resume or application, if asked by a future employer why, state that you felt since you were still in a probationary status that you weren't really a full time hire, therefore you didn't feel this place represented work history. Most of the time the employer will not seek your past employment history outside of what you put down in writing!

Specializes in LTC.

Be honest on the app.

Specializes in LTC.

Yep, be honest, it's what I'm having to do now that I got fired this week too, Just write it down, also put if you're elgible for rehire or not. Some applications *do* ask you *why* you were let honest again..all you can do

Specializes in Med/Surg.

In this case, it would be better to be honest than to get caught in a lie. Integrity and honesty aren't sold as add-ons.

In most cases you'll still be able to collect unemployment eventually if not immediately...BUT, keep in mind that since you've only worked there 6 weeks what you get will be based upon your previous quarters of employment earnings.

Specializes in LTC.

Try and if you get denied keep trying til you find a job. I work w a nurse who's been getting unemployment for over 8 mos now she works prn if you can actually count her she calls in alot or gets others to work her days she got fired from her other job for being too mentally unstable she claims and an aide works prn was never fulltime and she also gets unemployment so you should have a shot at it .

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