Published Oct 14, 2005
83 Posts
The other day I heard this horror story from an instructor saying one of her students who graduated last may had to take a completely fill in the blank NCLEX exam! Has anyone else heard anything like this?
247 Posts
Our instructor said they are talking about doing this but not yet. Hopefully they will change their minds, especially if they want nurses.
898 Posts
what nclex is doing is changing the exam by adding alternative questions.
now, the chance that someone got a whole test full of alternatives may just be a fluke right now- i dont beleive the entire test is changing, but the format/layout is. alternative, multiple choice, fill in the black, dosage calcs, check all that apply, etc.
but dont worry!!
i took mine back in june, and i had a few fill in the blanks, and a few check all that apply questions. the number of alternate questions that you get depends on the test itself, or rather, the computer who chooses your next question.
this new format is designed to help you more, its different types of questions, since 'real world nursing' isnt all multiple choice.
for instance:
"place the red flag over the spot where you would check for rebound tenderness" and the question would show you a picture of a torso and you just need to move the flag to the spot you would check!
not so bad :)
when it comes time to take your boards, you can buy a nclex book that focuses on the changes in the nclex as well as the multiple choice questions. as long as you study hard, you'll do fine!
"to the world you may just be one person; to one person, you may just be the world"
whiskeygirl, LPN
219 Posts
I didn't have any fill in the blank, select all that apply or choose the area questions. I had 75 questions, mostly priority.
4,007 Posts
They started thi sagter I took boards in '03. We were told it would start sometime around April or May.