Filipino nurses warned against 'leaking' US board exam questions to other examinees


Specializes in Med/Surg/Med-Tele/SDU/ED.

filipino nurses warned against 'leaking' us board exam questions to other examinees

saturday, july 14, 2007

dante ang, presidential task force on national council licensure examination (nclex) chief, yesterday warned filipino nurses against "leaking" the questionnaires in the us board examination to other examinees.

"i am appealing to them to consider the honor of the country and not sell the questions to other examinees because we will run after them," ang said.

he cited instances in south korea where examinees memorized the questionnaires and sold them to other applicants. upon discovery of the irregularity, the us stopped the conduct of examination in korea.

according to ang, filipino nurses should refrain from taking any action that may compromise the holding of us board examination here.

ang issued the warning as he advised nurses hoping to work in the united states that they may start registering today for the nclex examination to be held in the philippines starting aug. 23.

ang said applicants need not visit the office and testing center in makati because only online registration will be entertained.
some advice from ang...

And glad to see that he has come out with the same warnings that I have made. I am sure that this was passed along to him to write about. Seoul has already had their center closed permanently.

What happens in Manila with this exam is not like "What Happens in Las Vegas, Stays in Las Vegas." We here about it immediately. Please let us not here about anything.

Best of luck on your exam.:balloons:

how was that possible? how can they leak the questions? if thats possible, im sorry but thats inevitable here in the Philippines, im not a pessimist but if we let history speak for itself, its inevitable.

im not taking the nclex in the Philippines because im afraid that the integrity of the NCLEX exam might be compromised. im taking it somewhere else, preparing for the NCLEX is not a joke. Thank you Dante Ang Anyway.

It is well documented, the test taker memorizes a question with the four choices of answers and then passes it on when they get out of their test. And if you have made it thru school, you are used to memorizing.

That is how some of the so-called review centers got their questions for their review. That had previous students supply them with those. Same thing has happened with other exams as well.

That is why I still think that the center in PI is going to be closed down at sometime or another. If government officials were posting of this a month ago, and just the shear number of students that wish to work in the US.

Already hearing of all of the violations that are taking place to get the required documentation submitted for those that are wishing to take the NLE exam. If people will stoop to that, wonder what they will do for the NCLEX exam. It is a shame, but can see it happening.

thing here is, a filipino who ever plans to sell or share the actual nclex question to anybody is a true born loser and a stinking waste in the pi

why??? because if the nclex site will be stopped cause of this reason. the person who shared or sold, even a single nclex question will be part of the disgrace!!!worst thing, his/her license processing might stop and ruin his/her career from a to z!

and the person who entertains these questions are just putting themselves on a pit that soon will make them fall into it and never be able to get out from it anymore.

There is a culture clash here. Filipinos see nothing wrong in sharing the exam questions to others who will take it in the future. Other countries like the US see it a wrong and tantamount to cheating.

For this reason, in the Philippines, it is a practice to change the exam questionnaires regularly. In the case of NCLEX, it is different as it has a pool of tens of thousands of questions and the computer selects the questions to be asked based on the previous answers until it determines the candidates meets the passing or failing thresholds.

This is a tough call for Filipinos.

There is a culture clash here. Filipinos see nothing wrong in sharing the exam questions to others who will take it in the future. Other countries like the US see it a wrong and tantamount to cheating.

For this reason, in the Philippines, it is a practice to change the exam questionnaires regularly. In the case of NCLEX, it is different as it has a pool of tens of thousands of questions and the computer selects the questions to be asked based on the previous answers until it determines the candidates meets the passing or failing thresholds.

This is a tough call for Filipinos.

Sirry, but that is not the way that it should be. And do not blame it on your culture there, but just on certain people that think that they can get ahead of everyone else and it does not matter who they hurt.

We have seen it happen with the NLE exam fiasco of a year ago. And from the other side of it, if you were the employer, and someone is willing to cheat on their exam like this, would you want them as an employee? Chances are very high that it would be NO. If they are willing to cheat to pass an exam, what will they do with legal documentation at work in the future? Or when they need to do a procedure that they have never done, they may lie about it. This is not what you want in your employee. And now with the number of students that are in school there wishing to escape to the US, it is going to be much harder to be able to get a visa and work in the US legally.

Cheating on exams is not the thing to do, the person should be responsible for knowing the information to begin with, that is their responsibility.

Sorry, but you are new here, and have much to learn. Cheating anywhere is not acceptable behavior, period. And if you think that it is normal culture there, then the US does not need to employ nurses from there or permit them to work here.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Med-Tele/SDU/ED.
sirry, but that is not the way that it should be. and do not blame it on your culture there, but just on certain people that think that they can get ahead of everyone else and it does not matter who they hurt.

we have seen it happen with the nle exam fiasco of a year ago. and from the other side of it, if you were the employer, and someone is willing to cheat on their exam like this, would you want them as an employee? chances are very high that it would be no. if they are willing to cheat to pass an exam, what will they do with legal documentation at work in the future? or when they need to do a procedure that they have never done, they may lie about it. this is not what you want in your employee. and now with the number of students that are in school there wishing to escape to the us, it is going to be much harder to be able to get a visa and work in the us legally.

cheating on exams is not the thing to do, the person should be responsible for knowing the information to begin with, that is their responsibility.

sorry, but you are new here, and have much to learn. cheating anywhere is not acceptable behavior, period. and if you think that it is normal culture there, then the us does not need to employ nurses from there or permit them to work here.

there're nagging thoughts at the back of my mind, and this post stated things perfectly.

filipinos are not cheats.

we do not have a culture of cheating.

there are some people who say that cheating is perfectly acceptable, to get "ahead" in the game.

there are people who cheat, who buy grades, diplomas, degrees...who got to the us first, and brag about their green cards, who laugh at the honest souls who walk the high road (understandably taking longer to get to the us).

the point is: nursing is a profession.

nursing being a quick way to get a green card is only incidental.

if you do not like to help people, if you do not know how to empathize, if you do not care...then you will not last in nursing.

nursing is not an "easy job."

the people (some lecturers/reviewers) in the philippines who say that nursing in the us is easy--i bet they haven't worked in the us as rns. if you don't know your stuff, you can get people hurt.

you can get people killed.

if you cannot pass the nle on your own blood, if you cannot pass the cgfns exam on your own sweat, if you cannot pass the nclex-rn on your own tears...then you might not have the mental capacity to be an rn.

nurses are not mindless robots carrying out the instructions of the doctors.

nurses are critical thinkers, patient advocates, crusaders for patient safety.

nurses need brains to be all these.

the cheating "nurses" who have us rn licenses, who have green cards, who have houses and cars...i would not trust them with my life, nor my neighbor's life.

a lot of nursing is based on trust--your initials on the mar are the proof that you gave the narcotic as documented; if you cheated (easily) to get your rn license, what's to prevent you from cheating in your nursing job? you can just as easily initial the mars and sell the narcotics to your friendly neighborhood drug pusher.

for the cheating "nurses," they live in the us with anxiety.

will this phone call be from the uscis, revoking my green card?

will i be deported on the next plane?

how do i explain things to my family & friends when i'm returned to the philippines?

do things the right way, the honest way.

for the sake of filipinos everywhere.

for your sake.

for your children's sake.

I'm not justifying cheating. It is just that we, Filipinos, do not see sharing questions to future takers as cheating. Cheating for us is when somebody take a "cheat sheet" with him during the exam. What we would like to avoid maybe is when review centers become the repository of these questions. These review centers must create their own NCLEX style Q&A just like what Kaplan and Saunders were doing.

As I were saying, I am not justifying it. We, Filipino nurses, must realize that we must not share questions to others as it is tantamount to cheating.

Sharing the questions after taking any exam is leaking the questions and 'leaking' the questionarries and answer options is cheating, where ever in the world you may be and whatever type of exam it may be. It has nothing to do with culture.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as one thing is considered cheating in one country and may not be considered in another. It is just that some countries are tolerating it more while others are not but nonetheless the term 'cheating' and all it's forms are universally recognized as such and after the leakage issue last year and the various appeals by some Gov't officials such as from the official being referred to by the first post of this thread; it could now be said that nothing is being tolerated now.

Social tolerance is culture. How can we change culture overnight?

For example, if you've just taken an exam and your sister, who's going to take the same exam next week, ask you to tell some of the questions you remember, what would you do?

Social tolerance is social tolerance but would that make 'leaking' questions not a form of cheating anymore? It will still be cheating wouldn't it? Not just because it is being tolerated by some means that it won't be cheating anymore. It's still is.

Would some one who just took the NLE, the CGFNS Exam or the NCLEX give out the questions she still remembers if someone asked for it? Would someone not knowing that one gave it up make it not cheating anymore? It would still be cheating whether some one found about it or not. Not 'leaking' or 'sharing' the questionnaires after an exam and esp. board exams should not even be reminded anymore, it should go w/o saying.

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